40+ ...and minuses

S2 EP10: How friendships change as we age

40+ ...and minuses Podcast Season 2 Episode 10

Join us as we wrap up another cracking season of the usual features; Moan of the week, Has Juan won the lottery and the Pearl of wisdom!

As we prepare for a summer break, we share our plans for season 3 and delve into how friendships change over the years, from school to university/drama school and now into our 40's.  

So, join us on this roller coaster ride of stories, laughter, and reflections as we wrap up another exciting season of our podcast! 

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Speaker 1:

We're back for the final episode of season two. We made it I was gonna say season 10, because it's episode 10 season 10 season two. Here we go, but it's a very special episode today. one, because we're taking a little summer break, aren't we? We are taking a summer break.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i'm heading all the way to nowhere, but yeah, it's gonna be good.

Speaker 1:

Realistically, we thought the 20 people that listened to us would need a break for a few figures They could do. that was for a little while We launched into this. back in March, just on March the 6th, we released our first one.

Speaker 1:

And we've just gone out every week consistently stuff. But we're going to take a little break. We're going to have a little look at where we've come from, where we've arrived, and then come out with a bumper season three get some actual strategies on the go for getting some more listeners, get some guests on, like we keep promising.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, We've got them there. We just haven't actually got them in yet.

Speaker 1:

Yeah yeah, because we've done it. Because you're like super busy and I'm stupid busy and different one, i'm fat and lazy, so I can't.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so it's a very difficult combination.

Speaker 1:

So we might release, like you know, a couple of little things here and there and in that break some best of bits.

Speaker 2:

Best of yeah 20 episodes.

Speaker 1:

I think 20 episodes is pretty good. Honestly, mate, most people don't make it past 10. Apparently, most podcasts I don't know if that's listeners or episodes I can't remember- It could be either.

Speaker 2:

Is that feedback? Is that our feedback form? Don't make it past 10.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Yeah, definitely not. I'll tell you what, though I feel like I'm moving into the ranks that you exist in this week. What's that? You're moving down south? Yeah, no, i feel like I've actually been. I've been bitten by that kind of health bug.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, okay To the point where it's not I'm, i'm. I've gone out and I've bought in some like healthy food and I've got no crap in the cupboards. I've got my snacks now, instead of being cookies and crisps and chocolate bars and cakes and all that shit and milkshakes and whatever else. I've got mixed nuts, some like mixed raisins and things, some like little bits of like 70% chocolate which can break up into it, and bananas and vegetables and all that sort of shit. I'm like what the fuck?

Speaker 1:

I do have a Guinness tonight, must admit.

Speaker 2:

I've got a Guinness zero, yeah, but I've lost.

Speaker 1:

I've lost three pounds in about three days.

Speaker 2:

Oh nice, Maybe if you look under the sofa you'll find it.

Speaker 1:

I can't bend down that far. That's the problem.

Speaker 2:

That's why Are you eating this around the takeaways or is this like in?

Speaker 1:

No, as in the. As in the perotif to the.

Speaker 2:

I feel better, but the dominoes are still coming in the door.

Speaker 1:

But no, i was just eating like I got. It was since doing Panto last year I got into such a crap place for food and it just never left.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's really hard at Panto I was fine going into it.

Speaker 1:

I was fine for the first bit and then we had a green table full of food like a buffet every day and I was like, ah, sweets and crisps and crisps and cakes and mince pies, and then going out and getting it.

Speaker 2:

It's just like Why did it kill me at Christmas? Yeah, I'm not that bothered by that.

Speaker 1:

I know you love Christmas, though, don't you?

Speaker 2:

Do you know, i actually had three boxes still sitting here and I thought, well, they're out of date. I opened them up and I was like, obviously, because it's just pure sugar. They still look absolutely fine. But I thought I can't, because if I eat these it'll be the beginning, the end. So I threw them all away, all three boxes I've been sitting there for like six months.

Speaker 1:

You threw away Christmas. I love Christmas.

Speaker 2:

I can't honestly. I just I want it to come around. They're not the weather so much, but they're.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what have you been up to anyway, that's not sweet.

Speaker 2:

I've had probably one of the busiest weeks, but felt like I've achieved nothing at all other than just absolute exhaustion. I did have to do a spin course. You know how much I love spin. I think you mentioned it. Yeah, it was a new system. I was like sure, whatever. And then, you know, obviously I started looking into it. It's always like you have to color code, like everywhere you go on the bike, so like this is endurance, this is VO2 max, this is, like you know, changing different, like zones and all this stuff. So this is on there.

Speaker 2:

But obviously I set the music to it. So I'm like cool, i'll do one of my like 10 minutes. So we had to do 10 minute session. I'll do my the couple of really hard songs, right, not thinking that every single person that was doing it is going to be thinking exactly the same thing. So we're getting there is like a two, three hour kind of course. Like can we? So we've already done the course there And this was just the teaching bit. Every single person gets up and does like two really hard songs, sprint Climbs, which means essentially we've got a series of like seven or eight people or whatever it was doing, like sort of six to 10 minutes of Sprint and Climbs And then they just think kill me. Just someone, kill me. I had such enthusiasm at the beginning I was second person on I was like yeah.

Speaker 2:

I tell me what's like the fifth or sixth person. I was like I just I want someone to come in and shoot me now.

Speaker 1:

I'm like just getting out the stairs to bed, to be fair.

Speaker 2:

But I went to kickboxing the evening as well. I was like I'm a legend. Today I've not been able to move at all and I had to teach again. It was just a rookie era, Absolute rookie era.

Speaker 1:

But not a rookie, a veteran era, i realize that you look like, by the way, we're trying to think of it, we've tried all these like silly kind of like famous names.

Speaker 2:

I think you look a bit Go on, fucking do it.

Speaker 1:

Meet. Singer of REM.

Speaker 2:

Shock, piss off. Do you know?

Speaker 1:

I had, like I actually had that.

Speaker 2:

I had that. The first time I shaved my head, i was like, oh my gosh, you look like Michael Stiles.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if you paint your blue eyes if you put some blue makeup on your eyes, you'd be like banging it honestly, straight in. You can guys attribute eyes and then like, yeah, like mega bucks. Yeah, i mean we'll have to lose about nine stone and then, like you know, No, but you can go out as him, i can go out as like Jack Black or something, and then with the When you're going out, as when you're going to be Michael Jackson or something according to you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Fucking hell, mate. What a joke that was. I went to a gig on Saturday and I walked in and I was like no one in there. It's like a rugby club.

Speaker 2:

I know you were coming.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there was like 25 people that turned their attention but they were like such a good crowd in the end But I was like Jesus, this is going to be a tough gig, but actually they were brilliant. But one woman was like can I have your hat, can I wear your hat? And I was like no, because it's so sweaty Not having my hat. I have one of my flat cats on, so I had to spare them a bag So I give it to her. So she was wearing my hat for the whole gig dancing around. I was thinking she hasn't got nits.

Speaker 2:

Is she? did you get it back?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Eventually. Yeah, she wanted to. She kept saying, oh, can I have one of your hats? I said no, it's not merchandise, though Where's my hat?

Speaker 2:

Well, there you go.

Speaker 1:

Start selling it, start selling your hat Fucking jokes Anyway right, let's. Let's get on to our usual start of the show. One is time for the mode of the week, fine, and one. You go first, as always.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So my mode of the week I had a few this week, obviously like a few daily moans I was one of my friends was like your whole life's a moment of the week, Isn't it? I was like, yeah, yes it is, But I'll put it on mute.

Speaker 1:

Now is the only thing he fucking knows about a computer and he still hasn't done it. I said to you before this thing, right, is a fan off as your phone on. Yeah, yeah, it's all done, you said.

Speaker 2:

You said it's your phone, is a vibrate of your phone, it is computer. You didn't say anything?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's the problem, that nobody told you one. So Tell me, john, yeah, no one tells you. Then what? how can you be expected to?

Speaker 2:

even know Exactly.

Speaker 1:

I'm glad you know.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, so, realizing my whole life being mode of the week. But what happened? I thought, actually this is quite, quite specific, but it just pissed me off so much. I realized, yeah, this is, this has made me angry forever And it's this, so let's have a little, let's do a little scenario. Oh, john, i've oh, the cats here.

Speaker 1:

Oh, John, I was going to tell you something.

Speaker 2:

Oh, do you know what? It doesn't matter.

Speaker 1:

I've gone. I'm going to tell me, go on.

Speaker 2:

No, no, sorry, Sorry, don't worry about it.

Speaker 1:

Then go on. What was?

Speaker 2:

it No, no, never mind, Never mind, It's okay, It's okay. And then you go what? Just tell me Like, no, no, it's good. I'm like you fucking prick. Why would you even do that? So that's a noise, the shit out of me, Because I'm like, why would you even? why would you bother saying anything? Why would you bother saying anything at all If you're just going to say no, never mind? Is it that bad that you feel like you can't tell me? Do you realize it's boring? But either way, you've just hyped it up to something. So I think it's something I'm like. Why would you do that?

Speaker 1:

It's fine doing that, but if you decide not to say, then just go. Oh no, sorry, i was basically going to say something about this, but now change your mind, or whatever I mean. It might be the fact they've gone to tell you something that they shouldn't be telling you, they've backtracked and they can't think of anything. But even so, fucking on out. You mean so annoying.

Speaker 2:

But if they shouldn't? if they're going to tell you something they shouldn't tell you, they just don't say it to begin with. If you're so boring that you need to find someone else's facts to talk about and then you find out you can't tell me that, then maybe just don't speak to me.

Speaker 1:

My, my, my Mrs does this, though right Because as, as you know, as you know from knowing me for 20 odd years, I'm a pretty. I'm a pretty jovial, funny type of guy. You are just like always always there with a little quip or a quick witted joke or an interjection, always, always, people.

Speaker 2:

People love it.

Speaker 1:

There are times that people said John, please keep interjecting with jokes, how we love it. I'm like oh guys, i haven't got enough to do it for you. Anyway. so sometimes, occasionally, every now and again, I might.

Speaker 1:

I might come in with a little joke when she's trying to tell me a story because it pops into my head. There's also that you know, interrupting the thing I've got with her. You know which. She's spoken up before, but There's a very short window that I'm allowed to do that for, until she goes. I don't know how to say another time I'm like just tell me no.

Speaker 1:

No, don't worry about it. I'm like no, seriously, just tell me. No, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it doesn't, it can't, i don't, i don't know, and. But in the fairness, i have also done that to her to be fair. But it's like like, if I can be in and like and I don't get the reaction I think I'm going to get, if I've got like a really funny story and she's in like a stressful moment of work and she's just telling me like no, don't worry about it, because I'm just like, for me it's like no, it's not the right thing to tell you. She's like just tell me you've interrupted me now. I'm like no, no, i forget about it. So we're just as bad as each other.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, i can't bear that. I was like, yeah, no, i do exactly the same thing. I interrupt people I've got, because often for me they're sometimes like, okay, this story is taking like 11 minutes and it should be about one minute at a time. So I just start interjecting for my own amusement, otherwise I'm going to start cutting myself. I'm like, come on, just just fucking, just get on with it, just tell me. And then I'm like I'm going to have to start saying stuff here because this is affecting my brain too much. And then in the end they go do you know what? It doesn't matter. Part of me is like don't be dick, just tell me. The other part of me is like how the fuck our story is over.

Speaker 1:

I did it this morning to a partner. There's a show that's come in and it's like a queen tribute show. Right, It's coming near us.

Speaker 2:

Sorry, tasteful is it? He's only just taken over as king.

Speaker 1:

But it's actually produced by Roger Tader and Brian May, so it's like it should be quite a good one. So she says to me oh, i've taken a. She said I've put in to actually get some actual tickets for this. So for the queen show I thought I thought, take a chance, and I went, that's Aber in it. She was just like what I forgot to say. I just can't help myself. I'm like, yeah, it's Aber in it.

Speaker 2:

That's what comes in right. If someone says that it's like it, that's what happens.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, that's what happens. Dick a chance, dick a chance.

Speaker 2:

I mean yeah, like I'm yeah, are you going to go watch it?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, love Queen.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I've got, i've got a fun event booked, henry Row row, row your boat.

Speaker 1:

Oh, mate, you may be laughing at the other day You may be laughing a lot, but I still have a laugh about that when you said, you said to your partner, what's it? What was it? And she said well, there's a boat racing. We've got this like area that we see, you know, when the sort of covers sort of like 10, you're like so it's a boat racing attempt, just boiled. Henry. Henry got her down to a boat race and a tent. I love it.

Speaker 2:

That's what it is. They're in it. I'm going to be sitting out boat like oh great. It's like oh, i don't particularly like rowing nothing against it. And I'm standing sitting in a tent where everyone's drinking. I don't drink, so I mean what?

Speaker 2:

fucking are you going to wear your boater hat? That's the other thing. Or maybe you could wear a boater hat. I was like, or maybe you could. Just, you know, can repeatedly punch me in the testicles because that's more likely. I'm more likely to let you do that than I am to wear a boat hat.

Speaker 1:

One quarter of a quartet.

Speaker 2:

look like, you know, like a little barber or something I'd have to sing just a random harmony when I just fucking around singing. You sing some Ariane songs, yeah, absolutely Do. I pay me Fucking Michael Stipe.

Speaker 1:

Do you watch any of?

Speaker 2:

Glastonbury? No, of course not. Why not? I just don't care Do? you know, what I mean. I do think she says she was like do you want to get out of?

Speaker 1:

You don't care about music. That's your industry.

Speaker 2:

No, i do, I do, i do like music, but I don't really like festivals and live concerts particularly. There's just something I don't know. I just get a bit like everyone's going. Oh, it's amazing. I look at people and just like you're all watching the same thing and nodding your head and have that, i don't know, not for me As opposed to a musical where you all sit and watch the same thing and nod your head. Yeah, no, but like you know, Or a spin class.

Speaker 2:

I'm not a huge fan of watching musicals unless they're really really good. I like being in them. I've been in musicals. You're not a huge fan of anything, do you think?

Speaker 1:

No, i am, I like my cat, i know, i just.

Speaker 2:

Is that kind of like you know, organized fun? I think is what it is. I dislike Organized.

Speaker 1:

See they've done it again. Henley's a boat racing, attend Glastonbury's organized fun, but it is It's like Going since the 1970s.

Speaker 2:

Let's all watch the same people. One of the most iconic festivals in the world.

Speaker 1:

That's just organized fun, isn't it?

Speaker 2:

But they were like, oh, it's going to be great. And then everyone takes their selfie like, oh, glastonbury. You're like, yeah, so you? Oh, no, that I don't like 50,000 other people. I want to go to Glastonbury. Right, i've decided, right.

Speaker 1:

But both me and the Mrs have decided if we do go, we want to go glamping or take a camper van.

Speaker 2:

Right, yeah, that's a good idea.

Speaker 1:

We don't want to be fucking slow, but it always fucking hits me And this is an age thing now where you see concerts of old Like I look at. I showed What do we watch? the other day that was on Oh yeah, the.

Speaker 1:

Guns N' Roses set that was on And the Sudmich reactions, whatever. But I showed my Mrs the video of them at the Freddie Mercury tribute thing back in 1991 at Wembley Stadium And it's such a stark contrast. They're all just there loving the bands, watching it, the occasional actual camera or something, but that's it, like one or two, no phones, and now it's just like selfies and phones and screens and lights. It's just like, like you know, just watch the fucking concert. Do you know what I mean?

Speaker 2:

You're just missing it. You might as well just stay at home and watch it at home. But you know, I've always hated this. I've always, Ever since people started taking selfies and like videoing random shit as they go along, I'm just like it's no one even watching this, Like I've always hated it. It's always annoyed me. And now I see all I see now like pictures of people like when they go to glass, just these selfies in the same spots, like they've painted the face different colors and they're standing there with a drink and everyone's doing basically the same thing. I'm going to go to glass when the concerts are over. I just want to go to the.

Speaker 1:

I just want to go to the farm.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, let's go to the farm Have a laugh. Chill I mean glass and breathe. The thing is though.

Speaker 1:

You get your ticket and you go, but it's a lottery as to who's going to be on. So if you get a good year, like this year would have been brilliant without John Like. I watched this whole set. I saw him last year live and he's brilliant And all the songs are bangers and Do you feel like you understand what he's saying now, though. right, not too bad at Gratianbury, but yeah, time is here. Yeah, it was right, ashley, but He doesn't walk very well anymore, but he's. No he's amazing.

Speaker 2:

Honestly his song.

Speaker 1:

He's so fucking good, Whereas, like I thought Guns N' Roses were okay, but Axl's hitting me and it's all a bit like okay, fine. Some of the songs weren't as well known.

Speaker 2:

He's got to be getting on now, though, isn't he Axl?

Speaker 1:

E61. And Slash is 57.

Speaker 2:

Is he?

Speaker 1:

Hmm, But Axl's voice was like when he went up top it was okay, It sounded slightly BGS, but when it was down low it just sounded like woeful.

Speaker 2:

It's so bad Like.

Speaker 1:

November rain was a bit shiked, but yeah. So if you do that and like the year before, like Paul McCartney headlining like fucking amazing and seeing that sort of stuff, but then you might go and you might get like I don't know, like Dew, a Lipper or some shit, i'll have you be like.

Speaker 2:

Bit harsh, like Ah I don't Not my thing.

Speaker 1:

Shit for us.

Speaker 2:

People might love it.

Speaker 1:

Not my thing.

Speaker 2:

She's one of our fans Still coughing. How many fucking weeks is that? No, i'm not coughing, i just happened to cough, just coughed. That time? Yes, that happens. It's not a cough, though I happen to cough.

Speaker 1:

Oh, is it the cough? that isn't the cough. Only one with coughing is not a cough.

Speaker 2:

They are smoking something dodgy upstairs, because I can smell it here and it is strong.

Speaker 1:

Oh, right, okay, Yeah, sorry. Maybe not, yeah, no So anyway, go back to your Monday week. I actually agree with you. I think it's the most frustrating thing and just like just fucking tell me, just tell me, or don't. Or just tell me the gist and go oh it's just to do something like this. But I decided that actually I've just remembered it's not irrelevant anymore, or whatever, but just don't go. Oh, that doesn't matter. It's the non-elaboration of it. That's the frustrating thing.

Speaker 2:

Most of the times you've probably saved you just like 30, well, a couple of minutes of listening to something that's absolute shit anyway.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But still it's just irritating. So, oh, john, that was my extended Monday week with our little tangents there. But do you have one or do you just want to leave it?

Speaker 1:

Of course I've got one. Do you know what mine is right? So as you scroll through any social media now you get all these promos come up for these products or businesses or fitness plans or whatever it is.

Speaker 1:

And it's the fucking terrible acting and scripts that you get on these fucking things. I saw one this week. Right, it was for a globe. Right, we're talking 2023, a fucking globe that spins on its own. So it looks like it's the earth constantly spinning, right. Right, this guy got one out and it was like a smallish one And then he said now they do an even bigger one and he opens up the box And he's like wow, look at the. Oh, my God, can you see that? That's the craziest thing I've ever seen? I'm like the craziest thing you've ever seen. Are you fucking joking? It's a globe, they're fucking globe.

Speaker 2:

The craziest thing I've ever seen was this new Yizeev.

Speaker 1:

I was up in Sheffield and we went to go to a restaurant and there's a woman outside on her hands and knees eating food out of a container like a dog. That's one of the craziest things I've ever seen. If that's what you're on, if that's on the advert, go for your life. But if someone was just looking at this a globe I would not be going. Oh my God, it's the craziest thing I've ever seen.

Speaker 2:

What if the globe was floating in midair like around, and then you have the other planets there and then they're all going around the sun. If going around the sun I'd be like that is one of the craziest things I've ever seen, i'd go with that.

Speaker 1:

And if all the events that are happening in the world are happening in this micro globe in real time.

Speaker 2:

You feel like zoom in. There's my mum.

Speaker 1:

That'd be weird for me but for someone else. There's my mum. Oh, there she is. Shaun and the dead, if you saw that one.

Speaker 2:

There's my mum's grave.

Speaker 1:

But that would be oh, wow, that is crazy. Wow, and all the planes and all that, but not just a globe, Fuck it. By the way, that actually did happen. That woman in New Year's Eve. We were obviously doing Panto up in Rotherham last year And me and my mate Charlie went out to Sheffield for New Year's Eve together Because both our partners weren't with us. So we thought, fine, we'll just go out and do that. So we went to the cinema. We watched the Whitney Houston biopic, whatever it's called.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, fine, And then we were New Year's Eve.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because we finished the show early on New Year's Eve, so we didn't have time to go to any. There wasn't much going on.

Speaker 2:

It's shocking. Maybe we sat north where you were from. Yeah, yeah, made a hole.

Speaker 1:

So we ended up walking around trying to find some food. So we were starving And there was something like A Bella Italia or something and we walked in, is that?

Speaker 1:

now we're shut on the wrong. And then, on the roots of that, there was this swanky piccolinos or something You know he's called glass-fronted lovely, inside which we ended up going into eat. This woman I've seen like people, drunk or on drugs, sitting down slumps, eating a kebab or You know, picking food off the floor or whatever it is, or, yes, whatever being sick Have. She was literally on her hands and her knees on it was raining and eating out of a Tupperware container Food, but with her mouth, not using her hands.

Speaker 1:

I was like and it's right beside the restaurant. We're like what the fuck you do? and like, literally, we went in. we had to walk past her and go in and we asked if they had a table. So we've only got a table outside. I said to Charlie, i went, that's not the fucking deal I'm doing that We haven't got a table inside, but if you want to eat out there, you can join this lovely lady. Oh my god, i've never seen a lady in the trampoline.

Speaker 1:

It creating the scene without the dog. It is a fact. She just wasn't using her hands. She was just literally like eating, like you know, a trough.

Speaker 2:

Mental she have arms. She ever she had arms? Yeah, of course. Yeah, that's okay.

Speaker 1:

And then I think someone come in, moved her on or helped her out of them. But yeah, it's absolutely. We didn't know if it's some kind of like weird Like maybe she was like being you know some weird fetish thing that she master told us of deals on it. But really really awesome, are you see?

Speaker 2:

some ways, especially if you're out like like you know, i'm like a drinking night out. When you're not drinking you see some weird stuff because you just It's just so bizarre because when you're drinking you, when you're really, if you're drunk, you don't notice half of it. You're part of it most of time. But when you're sober you look around, you think, oh my god, what he's going on.

Speaker 1:

Yeah yeah, it's so bizarre, people do the weirdest things exactly, and that would that would warrant some terrible after going. That's the craziest thing I've ever seen, but not a globes and there we go. It happens a loads of things. There's one the other day about this some guy and he was like trying to talk about some, some business It makes you money, some trading thing, and he was doing it as if he was had a genuine person in front of him, like she was learning at the same time, and he's like get into camera, guy, he's just gonna sit. It's so fucking stage. I was like, oh my god, it just insults my intelligence a little.

Speaker 2:

I've got a bad acting. Generally, though and I mean that bad acting I just I can't deal with it. I'm sorry, i can't believe it be.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, moving on. So Let's move on to another Regular feature which may not be, may not be a regular feature going forward. Who knows the summer break knows summer break may get rid of it. We'll see, we'll see, but for now, yes, send us out on a high on season two. one Okay, have you won the lottery? No, brilliant.

Speaker 2:

Well, but we do, but I've won even the other one the house in Cornwall. I wish no, so I won three pound 30 You said that you miss out at least can't keep living on that one. No, i did, i want it again. Oh okay, it's like it's regular.

Speaker 1:

What are we talking about this week then? this week, john, this this week? I remember that this week I've been mostly eating turnips.

Speaker 2:

For our 10th episode of season two. Before we take our little summer break, we go to finish on Friendships, john. How they've changed over the years.

Speaker 1:

Oh, so friendships, Yeah, francis. Yeah, i know how, as you get older, how friendships different, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Cuz we've told before. But when you're a kid, like, your friends are literally your life, are they? I mean, you got your family, but your friends are you. You see them all the time you like. Well, when we were kids It was like knocking the door is X person coming out to play, is It's, whoever it is? No committee should we do this. And every day you assumed you were seeing your friends, meeting your friends, doing something with your friends.

Speaker 2:

Yeah yeah, and then you get like even just past like your teenage years and into like your early 20s and starts to change.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i mean yeah, it's yeah, because you go to, like. I remember going to college. I Went to college, right, so I lived in that tiny little town, right, Yeah, yeah, and I went to college and then suddenly my it was 1997. So like good times, good, good, good good time to be alive.

Speaker 1:

That's a good year, fucking good, yeah. And I was suddenly introduced to these wild and wonderful people, people of different sexualities and race and everything else. And I because I come from a very, very white, very straight, very traditional Glossosha town. So I went out to Bristol to this car and I was like, oh my god, i was like fucking hours like. So I ended up going out and buying bear in mind 1997. So I bought these bright blue Nike like thick sole trainers with the air bubbling and I care like a nice.

Speaker 1:

Max. Yeah, so I didn't even like her max in like something anyway. And then I bought these Again royal blue and black patterned baggy MC Hammer style weightlifting trousers Oh my god, i know exactly what you think. And then, to go with that, there was like a crushed velvet red v-neck Sweater with black arms, black sleeves and then on top of that a Puffy jacket which was blue on one side and then reversible to be bright yellow, which obviously I wore, the bright yellow. Oh, and then a guy's and I used to walk around my hometown like yeah, man, i'm cool.

Speaker 1:

We never looked at me going in there fucking tweeding green going. What the fuck is this guy wearing? Street that was a stream, but it's because we're at college, everyone's like And it's just like I didn't care. And have you got pictures of that? Oh, i don't know if I got pictures of that outfit, but I've got. That needs to go up. I'd like curtains out the curtains. You know the hair?

Speaker 2:

yeah, and.

Speaker 1:

I'd like Almost like a burberry style Jacket as well, and I had like a little earring in having a little earring and earring in are you?

Speaker 2:

a proper rebel in your town.

Speaker 1:

That's probably yeah well, mom dared me to get that. Actually I said to her I went home. Really She's quite cool. I went home to one day, said I was 16. I went, right, gonna get me appears. And she went No, you won't. I went, no, i'm gonna get me a patient gone, and dare you. So I went up a street and got it done, came back She just didn't know I was gonna do it. She didn't have the ball I Did I had my eyebrows pierced at uni.

Speaker 1:

Did you know one that I did? yeah, yeah, i never knew that, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i like three times, like in the separate occasion. Then the last time I finally took it. The first time they did it. They basically put too small a bar in and too far into my eyes which was swelled, so I had to get tweezers stick it into my into like the eyebrow and like onto isn't pull it out. Second time they put it through and I just kind of got bored of it. And then the third time I Went to keep boxing and I was about to punch someone and the glove got caught on my eyebrow. I said ah, ah, stop, stop. And then I took it out. As the last time it was ever in, i was like no thanks, i had it for about six months or so. Six months.

Speaker 1:

I had my earring for five years and I remember looking in the mirror one day about 21 years old and going you look like a.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Don't, i don't, i didn't look like it's fine because at a time, you know, everyone had them in and everyone looked like. It's what everyone like it's, but it but yeah, so you go there and then. So I was like everyone was there and we were like you know, it's different types of friends, as you are, because you know people are drinking and smoking and and everything else And then.

Speaker 1:

But then it's sort of different for us as well, because we did the. I didn't do the proper uni days like you. No, yeah, i did. I did the drama school stuff, which was different, and the course and stuff. So it was similar, but I didn't have the, the freshest parties, the halls of residence and yeah, stuff, it was much smaller, it was like 20,000 people in my uni.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, so for you would be much more for me, because obviously I had a couple campuses.

Speaker 1:

When I first moved away from home And did the course, there was 11 of us on the course.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was it. It's I mean so my like in my halls of residence for about 300.

Speaker 1:

There was less people than that in my, in my secondary school, really Yeah. So including sixth form, there's approximately 250 children in the whole year in the whole school, so it was like tiny, tiny.

Speaker 2:

But I'm from, like, because you're from a small town, i'm from Leeds. So even though different areas of Leeds, like you know, there's at the time there was already over a million people in Leeds, so there's, like you know, wherever you go, the schools were packed. It was never going, unless you look tiny little village school, like some of the areas, but it was always like that. But you know, i just go about. I remember having all the way through different groups but lots of friends. It was only really when I went past my levels and went to uni. I don't know if you feel the same way And it's different in drama courses because you're friends with the course, because you kind of have to be put into that situation where everyone has to get on or at least But you've got shared goals, shared interests, pretends to.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, exactly Yeah. But uni, obviously, there's 100 different courses and everyone's doing something different. You end up being either friends or people on your course, but you form these little groups, very much smaller groups of people, and then there's the overall. You could go out with almost anyone at uni because you're all basically getting drunk and doing the same thing. But it is really after that that I started to notice that people I used to speak to all the time like friends I'd noticed I was like four and people that you know. I started to realize, well, i haven't spoken to that person for like six months.

Speaker 1:

And so it's continued for the rest of your life, or the end of the rest of your life, and so it's continued.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but do you know what I mean? They suddenly they're not part of your immediate circle, and you know. It's not like you're knocking a door, going, all right, do you want to come out? or anything like that. Because you're in different cities, you're doing different things.

Speaker 1:

It's hard to knock on the door. You're in different cities.

Speaker 2:

It's a bit weird Yeah.

Speaker 1:

I knocked on the door And then people just looked at me, with me, mr.

Speaker 1:

Tickle, mr Men. You saw that. Oh, mr Men, i look like a Mr Man from the side profile. No, you're right, though, but you break. You break off, don't you So like? but then I reckon, like when you're younger, because it's all about going out and it's all about this and new experiences, and you're also trying to get the people like you've got more, you've got more energy full stop, and you've got more time and tolerance, and you're also still I was going to say tolerance for sure You're formulating who you are So like.

Speaker 1:

You've got more, you're going out and you're ah, whereas you get older, you've sort of been there seeing this stuff. It's not like you don't go out and have fun, but you're just a bit like. I don't have a problem with that. Now. You know you've had too many nights where you've eaten out till stupid clock and you should should have gone on three hours earlier or not gone out at all, or whatever. And then families come involved, job commitments, people move to different areas And, bit by bit, you end up in a old people's home wondering where your family are.

Speaker 2:

We're speaking of like old people's homes. I mean reading some of this stuff, i mean looking online about friendships and all the rest of it. And one of the things is really true When you're when you're like obviously younger teens, twenties and whatever is your friendship groups tend to be people about your age, like usually the same year or certainly within a year or two. But when you get older, you start to notice that you've got a friend who's like 10 years old and you got one that's 10 or 15 years younger than you. You start getting on with people of all different ages.

Speaker 1:

your friendship groups something like crosses generations, whereas it never does when you're a kid To a degree, but I was always around a lot of older people as well, though, because my mum worked in a pub and the hotel and stuff like I used to go and hang out down there. So I used to be in the dark team with older people and the Skittles team and we used to kiss older people as well, don't you?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

then in the football team the local football team I was in the third team and it was like there was different ages in there, and so I sort of feel like I always had a bit of mixed.

Speaker 2:

and then at school, there's 11 people in your class and you're in the third team. How does that work out? No, this was the local sports team. No kidding.

Speaker 1:

Listen, at primary school I was the captain of the football team. It was the B team, but I was still the captain. How many people in your primary school? Five, but no John And half of the girls. I reckon in my primary school there must have been about, i don't know, maybe 90 to 100. Ok, but we had a swimming pool though. Yeah, sure, it wasn't just a pond.

Speaker 1:

No, it was a proper swimming pool But had those breeze block concrete changing rooms. It was an outdoor one, i know, and they had the wooden slatted benches in there. We used to get given you can either have like a neon yellow, neon green or neon I think it's neon, yellow, green, orange and pink bag which had the primary school logo on it. That was your little swimming bag And we did our own bands in the 1000th. But I remember one day, vividly remember this one of the guys I won't name it because it's probably not fair, but he came into the, he'd been swimming and he stood up on the benches and went guys, guys, listen to this and let out a fart but shat himself at the same time.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, that's amazing, did he really?

Speaker 1:

Oh man, I can still see it as well. I was like oh God, that's terrible, Oh my God.

Speaker 2:

How did you react, though? Was he like? how was he like gutted, yeah, i think you just like. I think you ran out.

Speaker 1:

But do you feel though, he thinks like that?

Speaker 2:

Did he?

Speaker 1:

slip on it on the way out. He thinks like that though, something like that, he'd get called like shitty pants or swim shitty, swim boy or something. But he never, he got away with it. He turned that to be one of the kids that hang around the law, sort of like kids on, you know, to the drugs and on the bench and everything. But he never, yeah, he just, i don't know, maybe because he was a bit hard or something, i don't know. He's got away with it, but I just think, god, you think you'd get a fucking nickname for that.

Speaker 1:

He would be ripped into it at my school, as if he got away with that, yeah, and he never, no one, ever, no one ever said it about it again. But I just well, maybe he'd run me his primary school and never followed him into secondary school. Isn't that Which you think you would have done? But but yeah, it's fucking legendary.

Speaker 2:

I don't think I'd. If I had done something like that, i would well, i wouldn't have, but I would never. You'd never see my face.

Speaker 1:

It was, it was. It was slatted, fucking wooden benches as well, as it went through, oh God, because.

Speaker 2:

I think, I think he'd taken it.

Speaker 1:

I think he just had a towel around him and he'd taken his trunks off, Anyway, but fucking hilarious.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that was fucking.

Speaker 1:

oh, my God, how did he not know that was going to happen? You don't, sometimes I do. I suppose You know it's like just you think, you think you saved the, let one rip and then disaster strikes.

Speaker 2:

And then you just shit yourself everywhere.

Speaker 1:

I was with my, my ex, years ago. We were up in Liverpool. She actually listens to this. She might remember this. She'll be walking the dog in the business. I've laughed at this. But we were walking along the road and I let one, i let one go, but I did the same thing And I was like, oh fuck, i literally just like I was like oh, my God.

Speaker 1:

And I literally had to walk like tight fucking bundles as much as I could, really slowly, and we got to some kind of like hungry horse type pub or something I don't know. Just then we had to go in and get shit toilet And like actually wasn't actually I mean I had, but I caught it So it's fine. But I was just like it is awful I was walking. I fucking see three PO down the road like trying to fucking get So bad.

Speaker 2:

So I've got this friend And one time we were we were in this restaurant, okay, in another country He basically he went to the toilet. So we're just eating like some sort of local food, and it was really nice. It was all fine. He wasn't used to that type of food And I was used to that type of food My dad being Spanish, i'm used to a lot of the kind of you know the those kind of foods, rich foods or the rest of it. So he went to the toilet and he wasn't. He was gone for quite a while.

Speaker 2:

So I was like what's happened? He came out and I just I seemed talking to like the waiter, kind of going that, making these signals, and just, and I was like what is going on. And he went back into the toilet and then he came out again. He's trying to, he's trying to make these signals And I'm thinking what is going on here, because I can't hear it. It's a bit further away. We're talking he'd been a got. Well, we're talking about 15, 20 minutes now I'd finished the food I was eating.

Speaker 2:

I was like this is this is weird What's happening. I was thinking does he need me to like try and translate or do something. Anyway, he came out. I was slightly red And then he just he sat next to me. I was like what's happened? He just gave me his look, shook his head, like I was like what, what is it? He's like don't you're going to laugh? He's like what I said. Well, i went into the toilet. I was like, yeah, and I thought I'm going to go to the toilet And as I went to sit down, it all just came flying out like everywhere all over his jeans, all over his underwear.

Speaker 2:

Right, he's wearing white jeans all the jeans, all his underwear all over the toilet See, in the toilet. So he tried to clean it up as best as possible. He'd go use the sink. He'd been scrubbing his underwear in the sink right If he's scrubbing his white jeans. But the best part is he was using loads of toilet roll, like my God. They thought, right, this doesn't look too bad. And then he went to flush and it wouldn't flush, he said. He had his hand down the toilet trying to get the thing to flush And he's like what, what do I do? What do I do? He was still in the end.

Speaker 2:

He had to come out and tell the waiter try and explain to him what happened And the end he had to say, no, come with me, come with me and go the way you're in and show him the toilet. And the waiter just looked at him and shook his head.

Speaker 1:

I did Billy Ellie at the music hall a few years back And for my auditions. We went through, i think, however many rounds it was, and we had this dance audition this one day And we were in this dance studios in London And I was looking around the floor there's a fucking dog shit everywhere And in the corridors. I was like fucking hell. So I went out to reception. I was like, just so, you know, there's like this dog shit all the way through here And all right. So we're looking around. Looking around turns out it was on my fucking shoe when it right. So I was like fuck shit.

Speaker 1:

So I went into the toilets And I'm like how the fuck am I going to clean this off? And I don't know what to do because I was going to wear these shoes to go and dancing. I thought I can't take dog shit in the dance. So I'm looking around. So I tried to put I tried to put under the top, had my shoe off and that it wasn't coming off. And on the side they had those kind of you know those like scented Jostics to go into like a jar. Yeah, those are perfect. So I'm there like digging this dog shit out of the fucking tread of my trainers in the sink And the fucking choreographer walked in. I was like, oh yeah, just cleaning dog shit off in the sink before my audition. And obviously I'd already seen him a few times before So he knew I was. And I was like, oh, this is fucking mortifying. I got the job. Can't believe I'm going to tell this one, but why not In for?

Speaker 2:

a penny.

Speaker 1:

So talking about friendships, I was at drama school and a group of us went out, all the lads went out for a clubbing night in Guildford And we're all there, blah, blah, blah and few drinks. Drinks are flowing, good laugh. And there's this girl there And I was like She's nice man. And she got a phone out and I went over to her and I was like just started giving them my number. I think I told this that bit of it before. Yeah, yeah, and it worked. So she said, right, let's go, we're going on a date. So I went, i got over to where she I can't remember if she lived now I had to get the train or the bus somewhere Yeah, the bus there, i think. And we went to La Tazca. The Spanish place Had a big, big playa.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, there's actually exists, Yeah, I don't know, it did, do it.

Speaker 1:

So we had a big playa between us, and I was eating meat at the time, so I think it was chicken and whatever. Yeah, they got towards the end of the night and I thought, chance me, i'm here. So I made the thing. I was like, oh, i think I might have missed my last bus. And she's like, oh right, yeah, of course I was like, no, i don't think I have. But it was sort of like smile on the face, tongue in cheek, wink, wink. She knew what I was trying to do but went along with it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

She's like well, you'd have to come back to mine then, weren't you? I was like, yeah, probably will, wouldn't I? Ha ha ha. So we're walking back to hers. And there was about a 25 minute walk back to hers And halfway through the walk I got a sensation in my stomach. I was like, oh fuck, that doesn't feel good. I carried on walking And I was like went again. I was like, oh, that really doesn't feel good And I can't tell her. It's like my first date with her. And she's like you know, she's a good looking girl, whatever. So I'm walking along, we get back to hers. You know, we started, we had a drink, We started kissing and I don't know what you do. And I was like can I use your toilet? And she's like, oh, oh, no, no, because I don't need to look in my bedroom. I think it's a mess, and I guess her bedroom is right next to the toilet.

Speaker 2:

I was like no, no, i won't.

Speaker 1:

I won't, i won't. So she went upstairs to her, shut her bedroom door and I went into the toilet. Ha, ha, ha. And then she goes into the bedroom next door because she doesn't want me to go in there. So she's worried, i'm gonna, you know cause I'm a strange guy in the house.

Speaker 1:

I literally sat on that toilet and the fucking flood gate is open. It's like dumb and dumber, you know, right there, and I was like trying to stop it cause it's so noisy. And I was there going oh, have you got any music? She puts the music on, like that. And she's like, okay, fine, she puts his music on.

Speaker 1:

I am literally like it's coming, like it's nonstop, it's like it's honestly a torrent. But then simultaneously I start puking up in a sink next to the toilet. So I'm shitting, i'm shitting And I'm puking at the same time like violent, like proper food poisoning, violent, violent, violent. And I'm like, holy shit, what am I gonna do? What am I gonna do? So and so, so, yeah, so the first time it's just the one end. So then I sort of like open the wind down on, so I went back downstairs and so she went back downstairs and then she starts, you know, getting it, getting on again and stuff, and it's all you know. I was thinking, oh, brilliant, and then we started. We started like kissing again and it advanced a little bit further And you know a couple of items, and then you've come off and then she went I'm gonna pop back to the toilet.

Speaker 1:

She must've been like this guy's a fucking weirdo, like I'm like here for him, sort of thing, and I'm just like just gonna pop up. So I went up again and this time there's one of the sick happening and I'm like shit, what am I gonna do? And I couldn't get it to flush and it's like, and then I was thinking what am I gonna do with all this fucking sick in the sink? I was like I don't know. So then I started getting like toilet paper and like gathering it up and chucking it out of her fucking bathroom window. Oh my God, i couldn't know if I could do. I don't know what was outside the bathroom window. I was just chucking this fucking toilet right there. And then she's like next door and she's like, oh my God, please go away, please go away. And then it happened all night And we never did anything. And then the next morning like she gave me a lift to the train station. It was the most awkward fucking journey of my life And suffice to say I never heard from her again.

Speaker 2:

Good battle to say, but because the reason this came into my head the other day, this whole thing is I was sitting at work and I suddenly realized there was a couple of friends I had had from like university that were really good friends. I've known them since school. I have not spoken to them in 10 years And it's, i think, a lot of it's to do with my hair as before and other things going on. But I just thought, oh my God, i this, these are my really good friends. So I started looking them up and I found one of them on LinkedIn. I was like I started realizing, i was like I think I've done this to a few people And I just thought oh my God, I have loads of friends.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no, but it's something that I do and I don't mean to like. I just I ghost people without meaning to Like. Maybe I should make more of an effort to get in touch with these people and to see if I can kind of like, cause they're living like someone living in Leeds, someone living, like you know, in London areas, just to kind of rekindle some of those friendships.

Speaker 1:

They may not want to know. I don't know why they wouldn't go. They might have moved on.

Speaker 2:

They probably have.

Speaker 1:

They're probably just glad to get rid of me. What is this guy? You're turning out nowhere. You're the fuck are you?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i know Who's that, what's happened. Where's your head?

Speaker 1:

Don't even like Aryan.

Speaker 2:

But Yeah, oh my oh fuck. But yeah, is there anyone that you've kind of friends that you wish it kept? No, hold on, yeah, no joking.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, definitely. Like my hometown is a lot of the mates, like my best mate at school, peter, like we still, like you know, meet up and when I go back over and down again and stuff and see each other I mean, unfortunately, the last couple of times I've seen him it's been like at my mum and my nun's funeral. But you know, like he was one of my best mates at primary school, best mate through secondary school. We went out with two girls that were best mates himself. So it's kind of like we all just hang around together and we play football together. But he's carried on, he's got a family now Still playing football, he's still like captain of, like the cricket team.

Speaker 1:

And I just sometimes I just think what's that?

Speaker 2:

The BT. He's taken over your.

Speaker 1:

No, he was doing captain the 80. But yeah, and I just feel like sometimes, oh cause, you know I went away and I've done some amazing things, but sometimes you think what would it have been like if I just stayed around there and just played sports from the 20s? and you know, that's not the sort of person that I was really, but but yeah. So there's that And there's definitely there's definitely like really nice and really good people that I've met in shows and in schools and courses and jobs that they pop up every now and again We have a little conversation. I'm like, oh man, i fucking love that person That was. We had some great times, but life just means you just carry on and you don't speak. For like a year I've got friends. there's a really good friend of mine from like drama school And we messaged each other on each other's birthday and Christmas and say we must meet up And it's been going on for like 10 years. We've never met up.

Speaker 2:

But do you not think that's a good thing? So when I speak to like some girls that I know, one thing I think is a really good thing And it tends to be more with with men. I mean, people feel free to tell me that it's different, but this is my understanding of it from them as well Is that with guys tend to be able to like not speak for like say five years And then you go ah, all right, mate, blah, blah. There's no kind of animosity. Why have you not spoken? Why have you not done this?

Speaker 2:

You're just kind of almost grateful that you're in touch again. You go out, you have drinks, like it's never stopped, it's never changed. You go away. You might not speak again for another two years, and the same thing happens again With women I've found at least from what I've been told by them is that there's more pressure on them to kind of keep in touch And if they don't, it's very much like a why have you not spoken to me? or maybe they don't want to speak to me. I never really think of these things with guys.

Speaker 1:

I don't think it's necessarily a sex thing. I think it's more the type of friends that you've got. I've got friends you know, something like there you go. I do, i've got friends, okay, i've got the gerbils and I've got the cap. And yeah, I've got my caps.

Speaker 2:

They're my friends and my food cupboard.

Speaker 1:

No, i've got friends. you know them like Emma, so you listen to this every week. People call us like actual brother and sister type relationship. at college We were inseparable. It was never a romantic thing, i mean like that was just genuine friends. We didn't speak for seven years once.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Because life just took us off in different directions and stuff and we just we lost contact, not intentionally, And when we met up after seven years and it was like not a day gone by like literally picked up where he left off And I got quite.

Speaker 2:

I'm lucky with that.

Speaker 1:

I got quite a few friends like that And to fair like, even, like you know, my ex is really I'm. you know, like my ex came to my gig at Christmas this year and my current partner was there as well, and it was like you know just, we're just good mates and stuff, and I think I'd be quite lucky like that. I just wish I had more. I think social media has got a massive thing to play, because you feel like you know what they're doing, so you don't bother as much. A hundred percent.

Speaker 2:

Not intentionally. I was going to say this.

Speaker 1:

We've said this before. We've said this before.

Speaker 2:

We have. Yeah, it is very much. You just feel like you've kept contact with everyone. You haven't spoken to anyone. It's that weird, like you know. You feel like you've really been really sociable And yet you realize you haven't spoken to anyone for however long, and it's very.

Speaker 1:

But I think if you don't, if you don't stay in one place for a long period of time and obviously we haven't and you don't stay in the same job for a long period of time, which again we haven't, Which we haven't at the end of the year Like you, you, your attention and your time goes very much into the job you do at that point, the partner you're with at that point, or whatever your family's situation is, and for those.

Speaker 1:

So then I think, like most people, shy away from being in contact with other people, cause then the pressure is there to then meet up and you don't always have time.

Speaker 1:

You have to cancel plans or your schedules don't meet you, like most of my mates. Like you know, we're doing this over faceline cause you're, you know, you're, you're three and a half hours away from me. Another friend of mine lives up in Cheshire, one who's in Liverpool I said this before one's in York, one's in, you know, the north of London And some of the people are in America And it's just like you, just don't. You know, even though a couple of friends who live like an hour down the road, you still don't get to see each other Cause of our schedules.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i'm sad I've got friends. Yeah, i'm really close Cause the guys are. the guy was talking about lives within spitting distance of where I live, like we're talking like a couple of miles away. To get out of the thought. I didn't know what it was. I said washing it off.

Speaker 1:

I was like what the fuck is this?

Speaker 2:

Trying to shine your head. Yeah, it probably is. It probably check its me, but it's, yeah, it's a couple of miles away and I haven't seen him in years, and years and years. I tell it was weird. So I was teaching at a like a school, a stage school, like a for kids, and then someone came in. I looked and I was like, oh my God, it was one of my friends from university I have not seen since I was 22. Jesus And he's like oh my God. And he did that thing of like we'll have to go for a drink. I was like, yeah, sure, never did. But that was because of my hair. But I didn't, i didn't go in a cause. I felt really foolish.

Speaker 1:

I was in a bit like I said that quite a lot with you always said oh, we must do this thing. People said that to each other all the time. I said to people and I mean it, but you don't actually make a plan.

Speaker 2:

And then it's just, becomes you just don't We start thinking maybe they don't want to, and they're probably thinking maybe you don't want to, yeah, or you both genuinely intend to, but you think, oh, we won't, we'll look at that, but never.

Speaker 1:

never says Like back in the day you had to make a plan.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I will meet up on this day this time.

Speaker 1:

What's your free boom? It's done, but it's like. But also now, because I live quite far away from everyone and the funds aren't there to keep going backwards and forwards, i can't really make plans because I won't be able to get to see anyone, so there's no point in. So I'm just like well, i could say I come and see you, but I ain't traveling in seven-hour round trip and have the money.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, there's that thing in our world, like in the acting world, where, if everyone can, you say right, oh yeah, let's see, oh cool, yeah, we'll do this news. You kind of you know really deep down that you're not going to see these people for a long time because everyone's just moves, unless you end up in the same show again. Yeah, but there's no kind of bitterness about it, just such the nature of it, and that you make friends quickly and you disappear And you might keep in constant for a bit and then you, you just don't have time.

Speaker 1:

It's sad there in it, but best world in the world is a little bit, yeah, but also, i think, right, it's harder to make friends as you get older, as well It's. There are less is less opportunity. In the same way, i don't think you get the same kind of deep friendships that you do, because you're not unless. Unless you're doing like a long run of a show and you click with someone or you're doing like it, you know, like a work colleague. But if you're just like you know, maybe if you go to like certain clubs or sports teams, but you know, often you don't, i don't know Like you just don't sort of mix in the same way. So you've got different lines. You come together for a common goal, but your lives might be completely different and well, friendships mean more when you're younger, like because they are You.

Speaker 2:

You grow up together So you think they become part of your life. You become part of each other's lives in a way, like it's parts of their personality, become your personality and vice versa. And you know you've got these common interests. They should, why when people talk about stuff, you talk a lot about People you used to know, childhood memories, things like that, because that's, that's the things that are really important as you're growing up. All that stuff is what kind of builds your personality and, yeah, you're unbuilt personality.

Speaker 2:

No, i deflected everything, so now I've just. My personality is based around filling awkward silences and Deflecting with humor.

Speaker 1:

Basically what we're saying. One is we've only got each other now. That's basically I'm a cat, yeah, the cat and each other respective cats. Yeah, we're basically gonna be, that's all we need. Fast forward ten years. We're gonna be Bert and Ernie with two cats. Oh, anyway, we better wrap it up.

Speaker 2:

It's uh, you know that's it In my and in this podcast.

Speaker 1:

But, as we've said before one, we will be back. Don't don't move much, we're not going anywhere. The podcast is continuing, but it's gonna come back. Bigger, stronger, brighter, slimmer. Yeah, with me, hopefully, yeah, and some guests, some other people talking, some game, some structure Plans, bit of social media Yeah one's gonna be maybe doing a blog, yeah, or one's catching up. 20 years Once just discovered blogging.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's not what it was. I didn't realize that blogging was actually short for something I didn't know. shut up, huh, didn't know that.

Speaker 1:

No, that's brilliant I.

Speaker 2:

Knew that the vlogging was, but I didn't realize that blogging was. I forgot what it is. Oh what is it?

Speaker 1:

again, is it like Like a biography type thing? Is it like a no something?

Speaker 2:

else It's like That's what I saw. Look, i've got blogging. For What does it mean?

Speaker 1:

I love the fact you bought a blogging for Damley's book and you don't even know what the fucking word means. I've read it.

Speaker 2:

I've read the whole thing as well, me Okay, i can't find it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I don't know, it's not time.

Speaker 1:

We're doomed at me. You can't even, you don't even know what it means. I don't have a blog.

Speaker 2:

I've got. I need to find it. It's right here. Where's he?

Speaker 1:

going Me. It's like the yellow pages.

Speaker 2:

Here you go.

Speaker 1:

Only you would buy an actual book on blogging like a 20 year old fucking.

Speaker 2:

Mate, i've had it for about I've had it for about you're gonna get a blackberry next week. You know I used to have a blackberry again, one of the most useless things for me. It's like me having a MacBook.

Speaker 1:

What the fuck I'm not fucking with the time. He's got a mute button.

Speaker 2:

I know where it is it has a mute button, but I, uh, i can't remember. This is blogging, what is?

Speaker 1:

this is great podcasting. This is where you look up a fucking word in the dictionary.

Speaker 2:

I will cut it out. We'll cut it out.

Speaker 1:

We didn't will cut it out. I've got to listen to this twice.

Speaker 2:

It's fucking bad enough. The first thing. Okay, start with blogs. Here's go.

Speaker 1:

Here we go Do do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do do.

Speaker 2:

So what is blogging? Oh, there is, it's a weblog. Great, i see. You know that, didn't you?

Speaker 1:

I wish I wish I still wish, I didn't know it Well it doesn't make any sense, Yeah weblogging. It doesn't make any sense.

Speaker 2:

I don't think we got video logging and then.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but why isn't it? wasn't it vlogging? Blah, blah, blah doesn't work, doesn't it Wobbling? I thought you were having a stroke, then Blah blah blah, blah, so so yeah, so yeah you go look out for it.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, juan's gonna be doing a blog, um and uh, and then we're gonna be amazing. It's gonna be like, oh, that's gonna be great, we can't wait. So, yeah, so the next, uh, next few weeks, you will get you some little bits here and there, uh, and then we'll be back. Keep your eyes peeled, Um. Thank you to everyone who's listening so far listen now.

Speaker 2:

There's gonna be highlights. Come out. You'll enjoy it. Yeah every monday. Every monday, i like the last 20 episodes.

Speaker 1:

No, because I know I've stuck then I'm still doing the same amount of work and then also the actual work of us planning it. You're joking, you can. You can do it every monday, if you want. No, you have like the odd little tip bit here and there if you're lucky.

Speaker 2:

And you'd be grateful for it. All right, fine.

Speaker 1:

No, but we're gonna. We're gonna be getting a patreon that's together, so you can get extra content.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Uh, we're gonna all sorts coming up, so, um yeah, maybe some merch indeed.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, we've already got a little bit with just for us at the moment, let's put it out there. We're gonna get some. What? what teachers not gonna want some of? that some what, what Yeah?

Speaker 1:

uh, who's not gonna want merch? We're gonna be. Uh, nobody told me t-shirts for one. Yeah, yeah hashtag. I hate women t-shirts.

Speaker 2:

We're gonna get, we're gonna start our own like magazine, like the, which beats. Every week to be an article in it of john's favorite haunts.

Speaker 1:

What's that bring us to you?

Speaker 2:

one well, john and ladies and gentlemen, and cats and dogs that are listening, this is our final pearl of wisdom.

Speaker 1:

So, A stoop's tail does not a potato chop. It's true, it's very true. You try it, don't try it.

Speaker 2:

Don't try it. I mean try it, catch one for a start.

Speaker 1:

Well, no chance, good point, Yeah, yeah, i'll. Uh, i'll see you after the summer break. Well, i'll see you, jordan, summer break. We'll see everyone else after the summer break. We'll see it. Well, we'll hear everyone else.

Speaker 2:

No, we won't.

Speaker 1:

I'll hear us. We're like teachers going on somewhere on the days. I love this. Yeah yeah, anyway, 40 person minuses season three coming soon. It's the craziest thing I've ever heard You, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you. Hey, hello, yeah, i was gone. That's friendship for you.