40+ ...and minuses

S2 EP09: Are we alone in the Universe?

40+ ...and minuses Podcast Season 2 Episode 9

Feeling old and nostalgic? We sure are! Join us as we take a trip down memory lane, reminiscing from 20 years ago and how our hometowns have changed. Listen in and have a laugh as we grapple with the idea of feeling old while still trying to stay connected to our roots.

But don't worry, we're not all about nostalgia and introspection! We also tackle fascinating topics like aliens, the potential dangers and future implications of AI. 

Are humans going to use AI for good or bad? Could extraterrestrial beings really exist among us? 

Tune in and join the conversation as we humorously and curiously explore these intriguing subjects.

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Speaker 2:

I don't know, I just want to that Whatwop is back. I was going to say that whatwop. I thought I can't, i can't come out of my mouth.

Speaker 1:

I forgot about whatwop in the last episode, probably a good thing.

Speaker 2:

I'm not sure if you did. I think you did that somewhere.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's probably a good thing for me to be honest, yeah that's true, this is true, this is true, how you been. I'm all right. yeah, i'm all right. I well might as well start with this. A lovely Father's Day lunch with Mike.

Speaker 2:

With a.

Speaker 1:

With a What's that guy called again.

Speaker 1:

That's his name With Mike. Yeah, it's good, because the woman that runs the hotel in the local town that I'm from and that Mike still lives in, really lovely woman. She's been there 20 odd years now. I used to work in this hotel years ago. I never worked for her And she's you know, she looked after us for the wakes for my mom and for my stepmom and all that sort of stuff, my nan and the whole lot. She's brilliant. And I thought, oh, do you know what I'll do when I go down? I'll give her. I'll give her one of my cards for my singing acts, because you know they have weddings and stuff there. I thought that'd be good. You know, send her an hour and a half or a little bit away Brilliant.

Speaker 1:

So Mike went and got her out of the kitchen because she was about to cook her dinner and I said yeah, i gave her a hug and said hi and I gave him a card. And then she sort of looked at you and said, oh yeah, of course. Yeah, because you're a vocalist and stuff. I was like, yeah, i'm leaving in September, but anything between now and then I was like I have to fucksake Good timing.

Speaker 2:

It could have been a star in your hometown. I already am a star in my hometown.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, fair enough Fair enough For me.

Speaker 2:

it's worldwide, but you know, if you're satisfied with your hometown, that's fine.

Speaker 1:

Well I say I'm a star in my hometown. I mean, i don't recognize my hometown now The building new houses, they're shutting all the like pubs down and it's ridiculous. That's just Britain.

Speaker 2:

But when I go back to Leeds, right, i honestly I don't know when people are like I'll meet you at I'm like what's that?

Speaker 2:

Oh, it used to be this Yeah, what's that? It's this? All right, i know what it is. Well, like you know, 10, 15, 20 years ago that's my knowledge of Leeds is like 20 years old, and then some, yeah, me too, not Leeds, but Bristol, yeah, and then and like, but then when I end up in, like you know, when I get my friends, i'll meet you here. I mean, i haven't got a clue what they're talking about. Obviously, nightclubs have changed hands like 400 times. Street street name's the same, but I never knew that anywhere. I knew them by location, you know, by landmarks, and they're all different. I have no idea.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's a club in Bristol that we used to go to when I was first going out. It's called Odyssey. Then it changed to the works and it had this track put in the ceiling with a, with a ball bearing going around like a pinball machine. So when you're not out, you see it going round. And then it changed to something else And now I think it's called Prism or something, but I think it's had a few incarnations and just think Jesus man. But then you said I haven't been out in that club for 20 years or something. Yeah, i probably won't want to go anymore.

Speaker 2:

They've like oh crap, I don't think I could make the stairs now mate, if I'm honest. God, that's it. How would you feel if you went back and if you went to remember when we used to go out? we were already feeling a little bit older and we were like in our twenties, like early to mid twenties, Yeah, 23, when I was. I mean now I don't know what ridiculous. It'd just be stupid on it, I wouldn't even want to do it, It'd be embarrassing.

Speaker 1:

Well, i think it's a state of mind Like you like obviously keeping yourself in shape, everything else you can get yourself dressed up, they're fine, but you just start seeing like young people doing the mistakes that you did and it's not as funny anymore. You're just like, oh God, dude, and they're thinking of a bees and bees, and you're like, yeah, i've been there, done that 20 years ago. Do you know what I mean? And then the music. Oh my God, the music Don't get me started again.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, yeah, it's horrific. It sounds so old. You're saying you go, yeah, yeah, but it's because of this. You're like no, we sound exactly the same way that people sounded to us 20 years ago.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, With good reason. Now I realize Absolutely absolutely So.

Speaker 2:

you had a good father's day though.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's good, yeah. So we went and had a pint, had a really nice roast. They had a dessert menu. They had, like I knew, like two, three or four options. One of them was a strawberry and apple crumble. Never, never, thought of that combination before.

Speaker 2:

No, it's not. It's not usual.

Speaker 1:

I was tempted by it, but I was like no, no, let's stick with the. Let's stick with the old traditional chocolate fudge cake and ice cream.

Speaker 2:

Oh mate, chocolate fudge cake. I love it. I absolutely. There was never a fan of chocolate cake with chocolate fudge cake.

Speaker 1:

Do you see some weather spoons? a slab like size of your head, Oh, that would fit that one.

Speaker 2:

I used to go like this is for like three people, but I used to make my way through it. You never seen it. now It's, it's tiny. I mean it's the right portion now, but it used to be this like hot, i don't know if it's the dessert getting smaller or me getting bigger. Yeah, there is that It could be that It's like going to a kid's playground and go wow, this is tiny. It used to be massive, i didn't, you were just tiny.

Speaker 1:

That's what my partner says to me as well. So the talking to father's day then. Did you send a moon pig or did you call it switch your dad?

Speaker 2:

No, i'm not going to lie, i forgot. I did nothing. I did none of it. How can you forget We? only because I was doing other shit I don't know. I forgot.

Speaker 1:

I knew there were such things as diaries and podcasts.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but I meant to do it. My dad doesn't really care. Here's the thing, right, about father's day.

Speaker 1:

So he tells himself.

Speaker 2:

It's the thing, right, father's day and mother's day, so mother's day. You know mother's day is made up right The dream, because mother's day was originally. It was called his mother in Sunday, right, and what it was? it was people in the. This is what I was told at school. Maybe I'm wrong, i'm pretty sure it's right. Like people would go like to their mother church or the cathedral in the local area, it was called mother's day. So wherever church you were from, everyone would congregate in the, in the, the main church, the mother church, which tended to be a cathedral, and it was mother in Sunday. Then it changed to for King, mother's day. Let's like, come on, all mothers, like great. Then when we can't have mother's day, let's have father's day. Fuck's sake, add in the. What else we got? There's like 200 different things a year. I can't remember them, what's?

Speaker 1:

that other one that they've done that with this really fucking annoying. Oh yeah, the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas. He fucking loves Christmas. None in void. No, you're not celebrating the birth of baby Jesus at Christmas? You're going to give me some thinking.

Speaker 2:

Who the fuck is Who is celebrating the death of Easter? But then it's the same as mother's day, isn't it?

Speaker 1:

It's the made up thing. It's not what it was, so you're right?

Speaker 2:

No, it's not the same. It's not the same, It is the same.

Speaker 1:

It's all sanitary Oh mother used to be something different. I can't possibly celebrate it.

Speaker 2:

Christmas. It's different, though, isn't it? Christmas is like an event Everyone gets together.

Speaker 1:

Christmas? yeah, because you get presents on Christmas, that's music.

Speaker 2:

Where's the mother's day? music.

Speaker 1:

Christmas is all about giving and receiving for a fun, whereas father's day is just giving.

Speaker 2:

That's just shit And I like giving presents, but it has to be a purpose. There is father's day. It's your dad. Load of crap. It makes me mad up. I don't like it. What?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

TV, a TV.

Speaker 1:

I haveCOMTV.

Speaker 2:

ME ricecakes, andling. Tomatoes Mickey這樣 Big thanks toONEE Nえて Ta-daa. Awesome, we play DJ, but there's little ly interacting with better good stuff P. I'm Wolff.

Speaker 1:

Ha ha, perfect. Ha ha ha ha. But now we're a bit rough with it. I was teaching on the weekend I've told you this just prior to the day before Father's Day And Mike decided to call me to check on what the arrangements were. But we don't ever really call. We never really call to me, we talk on Facebook and stuff. And my phone started vibrating. I looked at it and I hadn't changed anything and it said Mum home and a picture of my mum. For about five seconds I was like what the fuck? I was like my brain just couldn't compute it. I was like what? And then I was like, oh yeah, of course it's Mike. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Is there anybody there? Fuck you now.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I can imagine.

Speaker 2:

Wow, what would that? ah, Would you like the to?

Speaker 1:

be, ghosts?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i preferred, but I haven't said that. Okay, so you've got a choice Right. There's either and this is not knocking anyone's beliefs, but you're either believing like there's either a god or the Santa Claus. What would you prefer, santa Claus?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think I would. Yeah, God's too judgmental.

Speaker 2:

Santa Claus would just be amazing.

Speaker 1:

Although he has got a naughty and nice list.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but just the idea that there was a real Santa Claus, that would be amazing. I would love that.

Speaker 1:

Well, people say they see themselves in the image of God, but I see myself in the image of Santa Claus. The more gray I get, the more it's happening. So, yeah Yeah, ho ho, ho. When I was in my 20s, i used to be a ho ho ho.

Speaker 2:

You know, i was just there. I went ho, ho and I thought, wait, no, that's green giant, that's the other one, isn't it Ho?

Speaker 1:

ho ho Green giant. Remember that. I fucking know Ho ho ho Green giant. There's a definite difference between the hoes in there. Yeah, there is. Yeah, ho ho ho, and it's like ho ho ho Green giant.

Speaker 2:

He's very yeah, yeah, he's kind of like I don't know who's more jovial?

Speaker 1:

The jolly green giant is in his name.

Speaker 2:

It's got to be yeah It's got to be. Well he's doing I mean, the song was jolly set, Nick, and all that kind of stuff, I guess And he's selling sweet corn, Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Santa just goes around the world nipping down people's chimneys and emptying his sack for a night, That's all he does. The green giant's out there harvesting, harvesting all year in his little fucking green, like once he got like a caveman out of it or whatever, it is No one likes him because he's green, everyone thinks he's all freak and they're like get away from us. He's just like ho, ho, ho, green. All he can say is his own name green giant.

Speaker 2:

I said something the other day. it was going to be like a moment of the week at one point, but it's not going to be this week. But you know, you know your life's not going the right way. When I so, this happened to me the week and I just I looked at it, i had this thought and then I went oh yeah, i need to change something. So I was walking down the high street where I live, and it was a really sunny day and I was on my way to work the gym, funnily enough, and across the road there was a homeless man.

Speaker 2:

He was the homeless man. right There's a shop that's closed down. There's a big like open in the doorway it's kind of you know goes in and he was sitting there. He had a load of like a deck chair, his blankets He'd got himself set up with like a shelving unit. So he was sitting there, all things there. He was sitting in his deck chair, reading a book, drinking a can of Coke and he had a sandwich. He's just like this And he looked really like peaceful. I looked and I went. I genuinely was slightly jealous for a second. I thought I'm going to be like. I was like I was like, oh man, that's so lucky. I thought, no way, he's homeless and sleeping the doorway. But I just thought my life's not great, is it? I need to change something. If I'm jealous of the homeless guy in the doorway, there's something wrong in there. I've fucked up, haven't?

Speaker 1:

I You know, mate. Yeah, well, i don't think I've ever looked at a homeless person. I thought the only time I've ever looked at a homeless person and been jealous is when they've got dogs. Oh, today I was going down the road. I was driving down the road and there's this person crossing the road slowly, these fucking idiots. So we go. But I slowed down very considerably and made sure he got across safely because he had a dog.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's absolutely the same. I can get angry.

Speaker 1:

He was just in front of me like, oh, look at the dog.

Speaker 2:

Oh bless him. He's just, he's doing his best.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So, wait, change my whole opinion.

Speaker 1:

So there we go. Anyone who is acting about, make sure you've got a dog with you, otherwise Yeah. Mone down. Did your sister send the car this year?

Speaker 2:

I don't know. She probably did. I do know something even worse. Right, it was my nephew's birthday yesterday and my sister's. Like this is the present you got him. Send me a picture of it. But I told you I don't know these things. Just no one tells me.

Speaker 1:

Well, no, that's not an excuse. You've got. You've got a phone. You've got a pencil. You've got a pen. You've got calendars. That's bullshit excuse. That is a bullshit excuse. Nobody told me, so I didn't do it. How old are you? 40 fucking six.

Speaker 2:

But they have a right. So I saw a post that said that again, you're going down the ADHD route. I don't think I've got ADHD, but there is an element of, like it said, undiagnosed adult can often be things like you ghost people accidentally and you forget events and what kind of stuff. That's literally describing my life. I look and go, oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

But you also don't write anything down or bother to remember it, You just you go, I'm going to remember that and then you don't. No, I don't with birthdays.

Speaker 2:

I gave up without years ago. but with other things I do. I remember all my lessons and everything else I do. I just don't remember events. You know, it's almost like I don't want to do them, Yeah funny.

Speaker 1:

I love that. Nobody told me.

Speaker 2:

Well, I feel like I have to be. People have to tell me otherwise I don't know that, Put that one in the fucking witness box in the court.

Speaker 1:

Fuck, you know, i like stand up for like two seconds, like what. So nobody told you, didn't you, you didn't, you couldn't write down? No, yes.

Speaker 2:

I sent the birthday card in my head, so Yes, Yeah, that's what happens. I did it today, do you?

Speaker 1:

send the money up to your sister for the present, or do you just let her, you know, bring up a child, struggle and still buy your presents, or are you going to Well?

Speaker 2:

the thing is are you going to buy if you?

Speaker 1:

have kids. Are you going to buy presents from her for them?

Speaker 2:

Now she'll remember Mate, She'll be good, I would do, but you know yeah.

Speaker 1:

If you go to the gym that Juan was at and he's trying to tell you how to live a better life. Look at that cat, by the way, i know. Look at him, look at him, look at him, look at him, look at him, look at him, look at him. So you can't see this, but I just looked up to like look at Juan while I was taking the piss and the cat's just got his nose, his cheek and his mouth just side profile, poking it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, into the camera, he loves it Oh.

Speaker 1:

I love him.

Speaker 2:

There we go. I absolutely love him. I want to just snuggle his muzzle.

Speaker 1:

Snuggle your muzzle. That's what I want to do, dear me, anyway. So yeah, when is Mother's Day?

Speaker 2:

I don't know March.

Speaker 1:

March, isn't it March, isn't it Yeah?

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, I see you don't remember that.

Speaker 1:

Don't need to no.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, I'm kidding.

Speaker 1:

The only time you have to remember is my partner's mum, mr D, and I send it, but fucking hell.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Well, i said my partners, mum, mother's day cards, christmas day cards and presents and birthday. I remembered all of my own back.

Speaker 2:

Your same hoods on.

Speaker 1:

This is in the post in it, Yeah it is, so it is my blood card as well. I've got that yet.

Speaker 2:

Oh, fucking hell. Mate gave one pint of blood and you fucking talk about all the time. I love this. I've given more blood than that, unlike playing sport loads of times.

Speaker 1:

I'll tell you what, though, where I had it done. Yeah there's still a bit of a mark then, and just below it I got a little spot came up yesterday. My arm feels a bit weird, so maybe I'm still gonna go wrong. You'll be going see, told you say.

Speaker 2:

Oh, there we go, there we go fucking. Saint-Hodg-John.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, just you know, i'm suffering for the for the benefit of others. One.

Speaker 2:

You are, i wish.

Speaker 1:

I wish you could donate fat. I would. I will sit there like, take as many pints as you like, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I know some people could donate loads.

Speaker 1:

Think it must be time for the, the moment of the week, right Juan. So what's your moment of the week, right John?

Speaker 2:

my moment of the week. It's a super marker related one. Fun enough Again. why shock it? Okay, it's not like I Got. I should be the size of a freaking house. They're out of time and money. I spend the supermarkets Like if I didn't do as much as I do, i would be enormous.

Speaker 1:

Well, luckily for you, juan. as we said last week, i've done that for you as well. Mate, it's so kind of you I've taken that bird, so you do.

Speaker 2:

so I can see what's coming.

Speaker 1:

I'm like oh, oh, no, And it is a fucking bird. So I'm only week is.

Speaker 2:

It's a bit pedantic, but it annoys a crap out me. No, surely? not There's two things really, but part of the same thing is that you know the five items or less, right, maybe, and then people come up with like baskets of shopping.

Speaker 2:

I'm like, yeah, but what makes that? used to annoy me until the self-checkout. Now, in the self-checkout I get it. You go with the basket. I do the same thing, oh good, what fucking winds me up Is the people that look and they go oh, all the tills are full. I'm going to take a couple of them. Oh, all the tills are full. I'm going to take my enormous Fucking shopping trolley of shopping to a self-checkout And spend about an hour putting it in. So the shop assistant is one has to come in, come over And like keep taking the bags off and then clicking in the code because obviously they can't put any more bags on. You've got a weekly shop Let's probably about 200 quid Trying to put it through a self-checkout And you basically have to hand one of the one of the people who work there standing right next to you all the times. They can just keep taking the fucking bags off and realigning all it winds me up.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it should be like mini trolley or basket, only they do some. Some shops. They have the Self-service. I think it's marzons. They have the self-service. Convey about sweet for a bigger shot as they do, as they do one as well, but like I'm, talking.

Speaker 2:

So I'm talking about, like weight throws sainsbury's um Some m&s stuff, uh, tesco, you just get people cut Just and they're not even like small trolleys. These are enormous, the big, big trolleys that you could jump in and, like you know, roll around. And What's wrong with junky stuff Is anyone uh.

Speaker 1:

I come out looking like a waffle if I jumped in that.

Speaker 2:

We could, like we could spray paint you on the side and you get out. You'd have like a grid going on. Yeah, it's supposed to be I agree with them.

Speaker 1:

Like it's supposed to be an express lane, isn't it? Yeah, so express area where? so you're not queuing, you don't got big shop, you're coming through. You got a few items, even like I sometimes go through, like the smaller trolleys, you know the shallow trolleys, and you've got like a 20 or 20 hours. It annoys me a bit still, but yeah, yeah, i'll deal with it.

Speaker 2:

It's still a bit like there's a space for a basket. Says put your baskets here. It doesn't say lift up your fucking enormous shopping trolley and whack it on this. Does it Get in the way of everyone? stand there with your massive shopping trolley, take up two of the tills, like you'd be. It'd been quicker to wait in the queue for the woman to just all of man, whoever to like fucking You know, fire through all your shopping. It's much quicker to do that than you going Oh, i can't find the barcode one second. Oh, oh, excuse me, um, could someone help me lift this cat litter. Fuck off then. Don't what you're doing.

Speaker 1:

Jesus, i actually have your fucking night where it goes supermine with you. Can't you fucking annoy the disabled people parking up close?

Speaker 2:

No, that's not what's. A few weeks before that They're wallet ready, i'm saying yes, there should definitely be parking disabled people, do we really?

Speaker 1:

need a child of my way. I'm a trophy winner. Do you know what I think? I am greatness coming through.

Speaker 2:

Winner coming through, everyone move um.

Speaker 1:

You're holding up greatness.

Speaker 2:

Can no one see the light around me, the halo? No, right, well, you should be able to. Um, no, but yeah, it's just fucking noisy. I'm like can someone there's only there's so many of these things like read the fucking signs? I think that's what it really comes down to read the signs, read the room, like.

Speaker 1:

But there's nothing like a self-service till to bring out the fucking twatness in a person.

Speaker 2:

Is that like?

Speaker 1:

you look at you see some people. You think how are you even remembering to breathe? Oh man, you can't even fucking scan a block of cheese, or Yeah, and I literally like I don't know what I'm doing. Is that like, what are you doing?

Speaker 2:

now I say this to my singing students sometimes like right, so I just talk about breathing. I say some like um, why is it important to breathe? I'm like, uh, i'm like, well, because you die, wouldn't you Like? oh, yeah, haha, we have a lot. And then I say, yes, i put it this way. If you had to remember to breathe, about 90 of the world's population be dead in 10 minutes.

Speaker 1:

Like it's yeah yeah, Some.

Speaker 2:

I mean I guess these might be really smart. People are just like having bad days, or just you know. That's not all true.

Speaker 1:

I'm trying to be nice but god, that'd be so stressful if you had to remember to breathe.

Speaker 2:

Oh my god, yeah, really, it really would I probably just let it go.

Speaker 1:

I'll be like fuck it, i'm just gonna die. I can't bothered. Well, you get someone else do it for you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I guess someone else in the night just to be doing like You know.

Speaker 1:

So you know those. What those things you said? like do the fellas bellows, bellows. You know they're like you, just someone that's permanently following you around, attached your back, bellowing your lungs.

Speaker 2:

No, i do know that'd be really useful actually, see if I can employ you.

Speaker 1:

No, I agree with you on that one. I think that's in. I think that's.

Speaker 2:

In our room. We need like a room 101, don't we?

Speaker 1:

something to room one. Oh yeah, A moan trophy wall.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, moan, trophy wall moan of the year, oh the moan of the moan of fame The moan of fame Hall of Fame, all the fame, the hall of moan, the hall of moan, yeah, yeah that's fine Yeah okay, what about the? we should have a moan of the year, shouldn't we like? Yeah, let's have a look through what is the? the best one, i reckon the disabled parking 100%. Right john, i've moaned. What's your moan of the week?

Speaker 1:

My moan of the week one is Is when so I love comedy, right, you love comedy. You wouldn't know that? right, when you're. When you're When you're in a group of people or even with just one other person, and there's a collective decision to go Hey, let's put on this comedy video, that's really funny. Or let's watch this person stand up, or let's watch this sketch that someone's done. You know, you get those moments in any sort of like gathering you go.

Speaker 1:

Oh, i remember that thing. You put it on And you can guarantee that one or two Fuckers will just talk over it Like they'll ask questions or they'll make comments on the center said. Or they'll be like oh, that was a funny thing you said there, because and you're like You're missing the fucking comedy because, you're talking over it.

Speaker 1:

comedy is all about setup and misdirection And and punchlines and delivery and timing and if you're not listening to what the buildup is, you're gonna miss the punchline and inevitably they miss the fucking punchline. Don't get it or they're like oh, it's just like, oh, my god, why are we? if we're gonna put it on, everyone, shut up, and we'll listen to it because they're funny.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

No, it's me, I'm just like it's not. I don't want to hear your fucking like oh, oh, he's, has a funny face on it. Why do you wear that suit then? Oh, i saw the amnesty guy here Shut up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then when they say when, when that happens, and they look it's when, and as well They do, they often like start, almost like it's re-explaining the joke back to you. Oh good, that's really funny, because they do blah, blah, blah and people do do that blah, blah. Yes, i know, that's the put. You don't have to explain the jokes me. He just did it. You know, the comedian just did it.

Speaker 2:

Just laugh and go hilarious. God, yeah, yeah, carry on, because it's a show, it's not a one-off video. One-off video on tiktok or YouTube, whatever cool, you can do that. But when you're watching the show, like, and then you if you end up pausing it, then people, well, why have you paused it? Oh, because I want to just hear it. Then you'll like a dick and people just think, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Because people, i, i always feel like I'm the only one under under patented prick that's sitting there getting annoyed about it. But everyone's like, oh, yeah, but I'm have, i'm like, no, i want, if we're gonna watch it like it's not, like I've gone, hey guys, i've got my comedy videos to show everyone. It's like I'm talking about when we all go Oh, remember that. Should we watch a comedy video or should Oh put that video on where that thing happened? Ha ha ha. Or even worse, like when you say let's put this song on to hear someone singing or whatever.

Speaker 1:

He's whatever the video is and people just fucking talk over the top, they give it a commentary or they just have a conversation. It's like, well then, we're not doing the thing We said we're gonna do yeah either put it on and this all shut the fuck up. Same goes to cinema.

Speaker 2:

I was gonna say that the same goes to films right, just shut up.

Speaker 1:

Everyone goes out there and thinks they're just watching TV. I can't bear it, yeah, in the living rooms. Anyway, that's my moment of the week. It's a short one, but pisses me off.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm with you. I think you're watching comedy with me?

Speaker 2:

shut the fuck up Do you know anything like stents of films as well for the same thing in the in the house. Well, people like, and so I was doing this. I did this talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, and then you go. I said who's this? then, fuck off, what do you mean? What do you mean? Who's that? Who's that? Well, who's that person? But sorry, what do you mean? Who's that person? I'm only asking It's the fucking. That's the main person in the whole thing. It's the main person. He's on the front cover. It's the main person. I'm like fuck it, i can't do it.

Speaker 1:

Me and the misses have been watching the Mandalorian as. I said She loves it and I love it and it's great We're really enjoying it. But I'd watched the first four or five episodes, like a couple of years ago When it whenever it first came out and then didn't get past those for whatever reasons. So when we watched in the first few, like she's been saying to me, oh, what's this, what's that? And obviously doesn't know the whole wider Star Wars universe that well fine great.

Speaker 1:

But then we get past that midway point and like it's a joke between us I'm not like slacking off here, But it's just kind of like she goes Well, why is it? What's he gonna do now? Why is he doing that? I'm like I don't know. I suppose we'll both find out when we carry on watching it.

Speaker 2:

Oh my god. Yeah, i don't know, i didn't write it.

Speaker 1:

I know as much as you. I've just watched the same scene. How do I?

Speaker 2:

know what's gonna happen? I literally exactly the same thing.

Speaker 1:

I'm so funny.

Speaker 2:

So wait, So so what? so who's that there? What's so? what's gonna happen here? I'm like I don't know, Well there, who is it? I don't know What do you think's gonna happen. I haven't watched any more than you have. I've literally. I've never seen it before. This is new, it's exactly. I don't know what's gonna happen. Yeah, but no, there's no buts, that's it. I don't know what's gonna happen. I do know when you know. I won't even know what's gonna happen more because you're talking, so I tell you what, though?

Speaker 1:

The? the reason it doesn't annoy me with her in this instance is because it's coming from a place of being really engaged with it And she's like, oh my god, what, now what? and it's like I like that because it's actually, it's a, it's an enthusiasm, which is okay, that's fine. It's when people just like I don't know doing it, let's move on. Moan of the week. That was done.

Speaker 2:

That was yeah. That was yeah, we could go. That could be a separate moan Yeah it's a whole separate moan, But yeah.

Speaker 1:

I feel like it's time now to move on to our Regular feature. What's that She's getting more and more deflated each week. We did one everyone the lottery.

Speaker 2:

Yeah you have no fuck. I told you, when I win a lottery, john, that question will fall on deaf the mean it be silence. I'll be here, i'll be like I don't. Yeah, no, sorry, i can't make a podcast this week. I'm, i'm Bobbados. Yeah, no, i'm a fuck, no, wow yeah, there we go.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's good feature, maybe next week, yeah do you want to?

Speaker 2:

I'm not sure. Do you want to? I didn't, i'll show wasted. Yeah, go on. How much do you spend? 25 this week I got. I felt like I wanted to. I just so. What I did is I basically did my normal stuff. I then bought a couple of extra lines and stuff. I know It's getting too much in it.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I'm still like ahead of you in revenue from Pokemon cards and I'm not bought any for a little while you.

Speaker 2:

I saw put cars the other day and maybe thinking in Sainsbury's, i thought, oh, do I buy a packet? and I was like, no, i'm not, i'm not getting into this.

Speaker 1:

No, I saw some earlier that the new ones because I've got. When I did that first game. I got given because it was a new release event. I got given those of the new ones. I thought I should get a pack of those and now, stop fucking. Stop just now.

Speaker 2:

And just wait, i don't need any, any other fucking Addictions. I can't do it like. That's why I don't drink, or the smoker guitars, vinyls, pokemon.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah yeah, this goes on. Maybe we should do a competing thing. We should go along the same lines. Is like one if you won the lottery. Is like John if you lost any weight.

Speaker 2:

No, i Challenge to ourselves, john, that maybe that should our old school like mankini style challenge, but out to the world Would have to put once you have to do pictures, instagram pictures of like we're starting out.

Speaker 1:

No, there's no point doing the weight loss thing with you, because you got nothing to lose.

Speaker 2:

I do.

Speaker 1:

You know, you know, tom acts in Philadelphia. I'm a.

Speaker 2:

You know, what There's so much to say. When I first shave my head right And I I sent a picture to, to my ex right and I was just because she was one of the people I told not that one. And And I said to her I've got a picture of me with a shaved head now, if you want to see it, because I was, whether she never knew I'm so, yeah, sure, i sent a picture of Tom. So, Speaking which. What a great film Philadelphia is, the holy crap.

Speaker 1:

I haven't seen it shut up.

Speaker 2:

You haven't seen Philadelphia. No, I need the cheese right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've seen a lot of that. That's an amazing. I've got it. I've got it on Tom Hansen brilliant in it and it's a really really good.

Speaker 2:

It's such a good film. Yeah, it's a.

Speaker 1:

I love it. I love it. Um Yeah, so where we get to our loss, of lost, no so the rival feature for your law to is have our loss way, because actually. We might start doing some of that, because actually I've got to get on it now, and so it could be an accountability thing. I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna go against you, though, because this I'll try and grow hair. Is possible.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Mate, we could do it. If and if you your forfeit, you got good blood Oh.

Speaker 2:

For what, though, if I don't grow hair? it's not, no, no, whatever, whatever we decide okay, You know I don't know what you do for you because I'm so perfect and yeah, it's difficult, it's difficult, it's really difficult.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what can, what can you? Get the man that's achieved. Everything to achieve?

Speaker 2:

I don't know I don't know, we'll have to think about it. We'll come back on this one. Yeah, we'll come back.

Speaker 1:

No, you're already working out constantly. You're already in shape. You've already like, you've got, really you've got relative weight that you want to lose. I'm sure like yeah, yeah hands you in there. But it's this Marginal shit. I mean, you wouldn't even you, don't? you don't need to lose weight to look good. You're like you're looking in shape, so doesn't matter your hair's hair's gone for a Burton.

Speaker 2:

That's not gonna come back.

Speaker 1:

It's comfortable and yeah, so I don't really know what we get you to do.

Speaker 2:

I mean we get you to Think, we think about it. Well, i think we'll have to think about something. Maybe I can put, maybe that's not. I can put weight on, so lose it, i'll go.

Speaker 1:

Method Oh, you've got to go pound for pound of meat. Every pound I lose, you got a pound on. Bear in mind, i've got to lose by seven stone, you're gonna. Oh, then the tables will turn That would be funny.

Speaker 2:

I'm not sure I need a lot of money to go that way, though, because it's another journey.

Speaker 1:

Maybe it may be. Yours has got to be like learning a skill, Like like, like, like quantifiably, that you can actually learn like I don't know, like guitar or something.

Speaker 2:

Something possible. I mean, I've already got a piano that I need to get better at.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but guitar you can actually like try and play a certain song by certain time.

Speaker 2:

You know it was like a or I don't know, or like we'll find something, we'll find something, we'll find something.

Speaker 1:

Okay, yeah, so yeah, brilliant Okay.

Speaker 2:

It's difficult with your metal poppins Like what can you do?

Speaker 1:

Talking of unachievable, mystical things.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Wait, brings us on nicely to this subject this week, which is um, is there anybody out there? Do do aliens exist? I watched, i watched a video, right Yeah, of Russell Brand on his YouTube and it was this. it was this body cam. Well, it was a 911 call in America. Yeah, and this guy. there's a few things with this. This guy called 911 and he was like something's just crash landed in our backyard.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, right.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Wait, confused. This guy called 911. Yeah, fucking, weird name. Oh my God.

Speaker 1:

This is becoming a weekly thing now, jesus Christ.

Speaker 2:

He must be panics every time someone goes. His mum was calling out be panics for you.

Speaker 1:

I get most jokes, but that's three weeks in a row now, about to like work your joke out.

Speaker 2:

Well, i'm so sharp. That's what's happening, jesus, i don't have to have to shift through, yeah, so anyway.

Speaker 1:

So he called 911 this guy and he says that someone's crashing into the backyard in a key find and the woman on the phone, she's so fucking jaded. It's hilarious. She's like okay, sorry, yeah, she's like the receptionist from Ghostbusters, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

She's taking a fuck Girls fast.

Speaker 1:

And he's like, yeah, this is creature thing, it's definitely an alien. I'm probably sure this isn't a joke. He's like eight foot tall and there's another one inside. They've got these big eyes and there's like a big mouth and all this stuff And you think, okay, fine, you get these hoax calls all the time, or people are thinking this and stuff You then get to.

Speaker 1:

This has been reported on mainstream news like a reputable news thing because, there's a police officer's body cam footage of this thing coming down through the sky like bright blue and crashing over the way and into somewhere in the neighborhood. And a minute and a half after that the call comes in from 911 to say something to my backyard. It's just crashing into my backyard And so then the next footage is the police officer's going to respond and he's going. He's like I got a butterfly, so this is really weird. So we just saw that and now this call is coming. So I don't know what we're going to see. But then they go to the yard and there's nothing there They can see and the guy inside said, yeah, he tried to look out and he said it felt like the area was blurred rather than in his eyesight.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, it's put the question out there about whether they're. You know once again, and there's all the stuff in the news. There's this guy that's just been working at the Pentagon or whatever he was working on these things, who says that there is alien spacecraft that they've got in the government and he's trying to highlight it and everything else. But my, my query on the first place is how many people in the world don't have a fucking camera phone? now. Surely you get, if you're on the phone, to the police. Surely your Mrs or your brother, mother, sister, cousins is out there filming that or whatever it is, and there was no video evidence.

Speaker 2:

That's weird.

Speaker 1:

You got eight foot alien in your garden. He said eight foot, nine foot, 10 foot. You couldn't decide. You get your camera phone out, unless they've got some kind of technological blocking thing or that side and maybe think, right, we need to do an episode on. is there anything out there? Do you want believe that we are alone, or is there actual aliens among us or out there in the universe?

Speaker 2:

I believe they definitely are Just a point in what you said. she might have been on her phone at the time.

Speaker 1:

He was Yeah.

Speaker 2:

But his partner wasn't like calling 911. No, oh, does he call 911?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he called 911. And also in the neighborhood it was. there's quite a few houses around. Surely they weren't the only ones that saw him. He was in his backyard, but surely somebody's like getting some evidence of it. I just think so I do believe there is, definitely.

Speaker 2:

I think it doesn't make sense that there isn't something. Just for the amount of, like, billions of stars in our galaxy alone, billions of galaxies, it just it doesn't make sense that there isn't. Even if I saw this thing, that someone said there's a there might only be life on 10% of planets in the galaxy. All right, well, 10% of planets in the universe, for example billions and billions of planets.

Speaker 2:

So it doesn't make sense that there isn't evolved life somewhere. The only way it makes sense that there isn't evolved life, some life somewhere, is if you go down the religious route and you believe that that's it, Or if it's been and gone could have been and gone, but surely other things would have developed. I imagine those are.

Speaker 1:

A lot has been and gone, or we're not worth anything to them because we're so primitive in our where we're at an, our cycle. We think we're advanced but we're primitive compared to them. With the, we got nothing.

Speaker 2:

Here's the other thing though right, If they're that advanced, right. So if there's an alien race, right, they're coming visitors and they're so advanced, And if I can do everything, it's like they're amazing. We never seen a blabber. Why do they keep fucking crashing Like if they just got, if they just taken the shit car or forgot to put the equivalent petrol in that's?

Speaker 1:

not going to happen, is it? I see people every day that make me believe they're among us. Oh, really. I mean go into any supermarket on the night shift and see the workers.

Speaker 2:

It's a bit fucking harsh.

Speaker 1:

No, i mean go into a 24 hour test goes about two in the morning and have a look around, but they're among us, mate, i tell you.

Speaker 2:

That's how it's shown in the dead, isn't it When you see people basically behaving like zombies before it actually happens?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i believe it. I believe it, i think. I don't know, man. I just don't know whether it's, like logic says to me, that there must be something out there, because we're so, i mean, our brains don't understand anything. We think we do. But if there is, we are fucked because we're not a unified planet. We're like proper, like devised. Yeah, i'm separated, we've got no chance.

Speaker 2:

But do you?

Speaker 1:

you can't organize fucking. look at Brexit and we've got to get fight aliens. You're having to laugh, Are you like?

Speaker 2:

are you a sci-fi person? Do you like sci-fi stuff?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, to a degree. Yeah, I do So. I've always loved Star Wars and yeah, i've always.

Speaker 2:

But I actually like randomly. I like Star Trek, not the old original series, like as in the one, like I don't like Doctor Who. Never, no, i don't Never got Doctor.

Speaker 1:

Who It's awful Like. why do people love it so much? I feel, like.

Speaker 2:

You need to be brought up with it to like it.

Speaker 1:

It's such a like low budget crap.

Speaker 2:

I don't get it.

Speaker 1:

You know when they got CGI, it still looks shit.

Speaker 2:

It does, I just, and I think I think it's like die hard fans and then the children of die hard fans. That's how I feel. it kind of is like people you brought up What Bruce. Willis Mary ho ho ho, motherfucker.

Speaker 2:

Now, you know people who like, love it and always loved it, and then they bring their children up loving it. My parents, like you know, no chance. My dad's Spanish, my mom's Irish. It was nowhere in the radar, Like I just didn't, didn't get it at all, But when? so, going back to what we were saying though so if we take of, you know, when we were kids, I'd almost have believed it more in that particular incident if someone had taken like a picture of it on an actual camera like, say like 40 years ago or 35 years ago, because it's harder to forge, harder to make a forged copy of it And it just doesn't ring true that someone that you're right, that someone that should be on about 50 phones at least.

Speaker 2:

How many people have got their phones to hand?

Speaker 1:

People managed to film a fight in the street, a one-off punch people film it, the body cam footage of the thing coming down to us. It could very easily have been a comet or a meteor or something. It burns up in the sky because they look at that. It's just weird that that happened. And then the 911 call and they're saying like we're scared. This isn't a joke. They're in our garden now Because you never know. Like if they've got that technology they could blur things, or you know they're gonna be more advanced.

Speaker 1:

But then Russell Brand made this point right and I never thought of buying like this. If you know, there's two things that have happened here. It could be that all these new reports and news and stuff like distraction technique from governments or set up to make us then have to be like, well, because we've got this threat now we have to put money into this and all that sort of stuff that could be it. But if it is true, it completely rewrites human history and religion and everything else.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, of course.

Speaker 1:

Because our understanding and our construct of everything that's going on and everything on Earth is parameters and measurable and in the universe We've got this like well then, jesus could have been an alien coming down, or you know, or you know the gaps in evolution and stuff it could just be it throws everything into complete, like you know, dispute. Really.

Speaker 2:

So there's a lot of people that wouldn't really want that to happen, I guess.

Speaker 1:

I hope they look like elf. Where were elf?

Speaker 2:

Alien life form ALF. yeah, yeah, yeah, that would be amazing.

Speaker 1:

What do you want the aliens to look like? then We'd like ET or elf, or like Klingons or like what's the bar called in Star Wars In the entire time.

Speaker 2:

I know what you mean Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do do do, do, do, yeah, yeah, yeah, i am.

Speaker 1:

Look at them, look at that. Or Wookiee Playing around, oh the Wookiee. I can't do it. I've never been able to do that. I can't do it. I tried to Oh.

Speaker 2:

Wait, no man, do you see that thing with that guy?

Speaker 1:

He got his ex-girlfriend back.

Speaker 2:

Have you seen this?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

No, so it's fucking brilliant. She was on there like it was all beautiful.

Speaker 1:

Oh, what with the voice notes?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he left the thing saying you know, please call this number and do your best Wookiee impression.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was on her phone, wasn't it? She said she's not funny. She's not funny, so immature.

Speaker 2:

It's fucking brilliant. What a legend.

Speaker 1:

What an absolute legend.

Speaker 2:

That would honestly and that's great, what a great. It's not really harming anyone, it's just kind of hilarious. I'd want them to look as innocuous as possible, because have you watched the film?

Speaker 2:

Signs You once yeah, mel Gibson the same guy, m Night Shyamalan, who wrote they did like Six Cent and stuff. Because when those aliens come in I'm just like, ah fuck, that we haven't got a chance. No chance, i don't want that. I literally want little green men that I can go, or they might be dangerous to the mind, but I'm not scared to look at them. I don't want them to look at me and go, oh shit.

Speaker 1:

But your mate Dwayne is into conspiracy theories, isn't? he, he is, yeah, yeah, absolutely, and he's always said to you, and you've always said to me in turn, that the things we see in the movies are there to prepare us for what's coming. Yeah, so in some ways, That's supposed to be.

Speaker 2:

Well, from what I've read and been told, it's called like I might be getting this wrong. So anyone out there the three people listening let me know It's the futurist society, it's the idea behind it. So this is kind of the conspiracy And the idea is that they expose you to something first so that when it happens it causes less disruption. You just accept it. So things like, for example, in America, you could argue that they paved the way for a black president because you saw, like on 24, 24, what's the woman? Morgan Freeman, the asteroid falling, armageddon. No, that's the other one. No, i mean, it was Deep impact. Deep impact, that's the one. There's a few like that that look a lot, oh, look like amazing. They can lead. Of course they can lead and I don't know why anyone ever thought they couldn't. But there we go. But there we go. You have to for some people. You have to prepare them that there's gonna be something different and it might be scary. But But look at iRobot, irobot in all these sort of films, when machines take over a terminator.

Speaker 1:

That's a thing you know Yeah yeah, that guy from Google I can't remember his name and he come on and he's literally he used to be. He worked for Google X doing like AI and they did this. They spent all this money on these robotic arms which had to go down and pick up a yellow ball and show it to the camera behind them, and it took them a while to. And then he walked past it one day and he witnessed the it's. On a Friday, he witnessed the arm. He finally grabbed it there are loads of failed mistakes and then he grabbed the yellow ball, showed it to the camera and his thought was like great, we've wasted like millions of dollars on them being able to pick up a yellow ball brilliant. He came back on the Monday. Every single arm was doing it repeatedly. He said I've never seen learning like it. He said it was ridiculous.

Speaker 1:

Like every single arm, so they all learned from it, they all learned from it and they all like, every single time, we're consistent. They're picking up yellow ball, yellow ball, yellow ball, everything they need to do, And it was done over one weekend. And he was like so he's trying to warn, there's a few, there's three things they don't want them to do. Give it consciousness, give it this, give it that. But he's saying it's not the machines he's scared of, it's the humans in charge of the machines, because there's always gonna be. There's people right now working on AI with bad intentions to get into your bank accounts to do this. Do that.

Speaker 1:

But they're gonna create AI that is actually able to go past our understanding and we're not gonna be able to get it back, So we're gonna have to hope there's people out there with better intentions to create an opposing AI that can battle their AI. that's coming.

Speaker 2:

It's fucking, it's terminator, it's terminator.

Speaker 1:

It's absolutely frightening. yeah, it's absolutely frightening And it's like because, when you think of human history and humans, they're not gonna use it for good.

Speaker 2:

They're not gonna use it for anything. Well, look at anything, anything that like any kind of power that anyone gets, or any advantage anyone gets, they always use it to gain that advantage They always use they don't. Very rarely does someone say I have an advantage, i will use this to help mankind. Like no chance, i've got an advantage, I'm gonna become the richest, most powerful person in the world or as powerful as I can be, and that's what we do.

Speaker 1:

But if you've got an AI, if you start learning, if we learn AI now, we're gonna be like people that can operate AI. You're gonna be in a bit of an advantage that way, but also you might learn how to win the lottery for you. That's a good point predict the lottery.

Speaker 2:

You might need it to go and hide from the machines. That's true. That's what I just basically wanna win the lottery and go live in a castle somewhere. That's it, me and the cat.

Speaker 1:

But AI is doing it the way. They're actually worried about Andy Serkis, who does all the CGI stuff. You know did Planet of the H and he was gone and all that He's saying like no, he's trying to sort of like say, look, he's gonna start taking actress jobs because they're not gonna need actors anymore, because AI will do it.

Speaker 2:

There is that, and the thing is I thought about this the other day because voiceovers will come first, because it's easier, So they'll just do-.

Speaker 1:

It's already happening.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they'll have voiceovers that you won't need actors or voiceovers.

Speaker 1:

I don't know how you do it. I heard it the other day. You can go on a website I might even just be Google, i don't know and you can say this particular thing send me a message of Tom Hanks wishing Susan and thingy a happy 40th birthday and it will come out with a message from Tom Hanks exactly his voice, not sounding computerized, and it'll sound like he sent it. And it's like they can do it with anyone. It's like it's frightening.

Speaker 2:

But that's terrifying in a different way, because they could literally say you could call your friend or your partner, or whoever they could put a phone call in say can you come meet me at?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah And then you're not there and you know They might even like, decide to create a 40 plus and minus podcast and be good, and then we're fucked. Okay, so we both think there is alien life out there.

Speaker 2:

I think so for sure.

Speaker 1:

So it comes crashing down into our 40 plus and minus is mansion garden where we were How old are we now? No, right now. So we're just something we get this week I still have one lot of you, i'm sure. How are you gonna hide it in your closet and put lipstick on it like ET?

Speaker 2:

I was gonna say something oh, fucking awful. Then. Of course you are Oh man, no, no, i can't even say that. Would I hide it? if it was like ET? potentially yeah, but I wouldn't be doing it in the way that they do it in ET?

Speaker 1:

Oh no.

Speaker 2:

I'd be like oh, that's amazing. Is there any technological advantage you can give me about now that I can make loads of money from? So I'd be doing it more that way rather than the You and ET have got the same haircut.

Speaker 1:

I've just realised It's funny.

Speaker 2:

I started with style. I believe that I was styled on ET.

Speaker 1:

Styled on ET.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I think, if, when the sequel comes out, stephen, i've got a seat, it's. Spielberg, you've got a seat. It's fucking big old. We get Duncan involved. We've got the head, the feet and the size. We can be a trio together Like a Panto, like a horse.

Speaker 1:

But I honestly, though, I think those films are right. If an alien come down, the governments will start going after them, trying to dissect them Of course they would.

Speaker 2:

Of course they would They already have, if that's true. Okay, so Whatever?

Speaker 1:

you're headed with this. Yeah, yeah, i'm just trying to think of what the best alien is that's been in film.

Speaker 2:

Best alien in films. I'd say the worst alien in films in terms of the most terrifying alien. Oh, fucking hell. Yeah, just that's what worries me. That's the thing that worries me, like it doesn't really. It didn't keep me up all night or anything.

Speaker 1:

Or tremors.

Speaker 2:

If I think of tremors, i love that. Oh great, what a terrible but great film. No, an alien. That would kind of like just you have no chance against. Do you know what I mean? Just I can't. The thought of that is like oh no, what I want is like the little miniature ones you get a men in black that are sitting in people's heads, so when they come out you're like I'll stand on it.

Speaker 1:

The highest IQ, second to you, obviously because you're gonna say yours is highest.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, of course yeah, but the second, i think the highest IQ he was got something like two, 10 or something, something stupid like that. It's like it's in terms of school These machines are like 100 times that when they kept the potential to be. There's no way that we can outsmart those machines unless we've got AI to protect us That we can do it. So we're knackered if we, if it goes that way which is going that way, he reckons by 2037 it, we're gonna be hiding from the machines. You think, yeah, that's what he said. Honestly, if you look at this on diary of a CEO, he's on there. He's also been on the Pierce Morgan show recently and he's like, literally like him and Elon Musk and all these people that in the know, they're all saying like we need to stop this now, like yesterday, we need to not do what we've not, not head down there over going down, because it's gonna be. You know, we think about global global warning, that sort of stuff. This is gone too far now. But I already passed the point in their return.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's actually a drastic part thing in it, like just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 1:

But he's not. He's not Scare mongering either. He's not. He's saying that it's not the machines that have to be worried about, it's the humans that are In charge and making these machine, because if you teach them, you can teach the machines to have good morals, but you can teach them to have no morals.

Speaker 2:

That is is iRobot. We are living iRobot, but yeah, that's robot. Yeah, yeah, I still use the AI DJ on Spotify though. So what AI DJ? that's how they get you. That's how they're gonna get you brilliant, have you seen it? Yes, i have yeah and he's like.

Speaker 1:

He's like. He's like hi, taking you back to the songs you used to listen to in 2019. Here's five songs for you and bro, and he comes back. It's like here's one of your favorite artists for around. I was like, wow, he's You know something.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. No, i don't, i don't use it. But yeah, i mean, i don't even downloaded a card to my phone yet, like I'm not far ahead.

Speaker 1:

What do you reckon would happen if we land, if we had, we had the ability to write, getting this little spaceship now, well, yeah, my would be my big but slightly bigger.

Speaker 2:

I'd like a big spaceship.

Speaker 1:

It. It would look like You know, darth Maul right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but.

Speaker 1:

Darth Maul and Jabba the Hutt going on a little day trip. Right, we're getting our spaceship and we like, we go, we go, like ultrasonic and off we go, we. We land on the planet and we're the aliens. What the fuck do you think they're gonna think of us? I mean, i'm toast, i'm gone.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i mean, i don't know, who knows, maybe like you'd be part of, like the superior race.

Speaker 1:

We might land on a planet where fatness is revered, and like people that do spin and are in shape, i like literally the lowest of the low, and you're oh my god that'd be it, every one's in shape. So then, if you're not in shape, you are different, no, like, everyone's not in shape and like anyone who is in shape is different, and they're like, they're the outcast. And then I become king of the planet and I get to choose if you live or die.

Speaker 1:

Okay, now this is taking a turn and I keep you to cook my pancakes. For me Sounds, it sounds plausible.

Speaker 2:

I get you to cycle and spin in.

Speaker 1:

So you keep the electric on. Keep the electric, you fucking yeah.

Speaker 2:

Come on, what's going on? But no one. I'm just doing it. I'm just doing it because, uh, you know that I feel like I have to. Yeah, i'm using your power.

Speaker 1:

They call the planet fatouine. Now we've, now we've discovered that we're not alone. Yes, let's, let's give the, let's give the alien race that have decided to visit us a lovely pearl of wisdom.

Speaker 2:

A sheep in a dress can still see you. Very apt for where you are, john, very apt.